BARSKA AW11076 Iron Boresighter Kit User Manual

Fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3, Scope mounting, Attach the boresighter to firearm muzzle

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Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3


Warning: Be certain that the gun is not loaded, the action is

open, and the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction. Safe gun

handling procedures must be used at all times

1. Scope Mounting

With the rings already installed onto the firearm, separate

the upper section of the rings by removing the screws. Place

the scope onto the bottom halves of the ring. Replace the

top loosely do not tighten.

Rotate the scope to position the elevation turret on top

of the scope (vertical). Look at an object through the scope;

adjust the eye relief by sliding it back and forth until the

correct eye relief distance is achieved. Tighten the set screws

on top halves of the rings.

2. Attach the Boresighter to Firearm Muzzle

Select the appropriate bore arbor from the kit by selecting

caliber indicated next to each arbor and insert the end of the

arbor with brass hinge into the boresighter. Hand tighten the

locking screw to attach firmly the bore sighter (Fig. 1 and 2).

Warning: If the bore stud does not insert easily,

remove and verify that the correct stud is being used

Insert the other end of the stud into the muzzle

(Fig. 3).

3. Pre-Zeroing with the Boresighter

If necessary, rotate the boresighter until the gird lines match

vertically and horizontally with the reticle vectors. Remove

the windage and elevation caps (If necessary) Adjust the

windage and elevation turrets until the crosshairs line up

with the center of the boresighter’s Grid. Each division on the

gird is equal to 4 M.O.A. or inches at 100 yards. Pre-zeroing

the scope in now complete. Remove the boresighter and

bore stud from the barrel and secure it in the supplied case.

Warning: Be certain that the bore stud has been

removed from the barrel. Failure to do so may result

in injury or death to the shooter or bystanders.

At an approved range or other safe area, complete the

zeroing procedures indicated in your scope instruction


Warning: Eye and ear protection is strongly recommended.

Safe gun handling procedures must be used at all times.

The Barska Boresighter is designed to save you time and

money by allowing you to pre-zero the scope. Final steps

in zeroing should be done at the range. This kit covers

the most popular calibers in the market so you can use it

to zero different rifles and firearms. It’s sturdy

construction is built to last.


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