BARSKA Mil-Dot Reticle User Manual
Mil-dot reticle

1/4 mil = 0.9”
1/2 mil = 1.8”
3/4 mil = 2.7” @100 yards
1 mil = 3.6”
5 mil = 18”
1/2 mil
3/4 mil
Developed in the late 1970’s, the MIL- DOT was designed to help the
United States Marine Corps. (specifi cally the snipers) estimate the
range or distance between the target and the shooter.
The space between the centers of the dots equal 1 milliradian. (mil)
One Mil equals 3.6 inches @ 100 yards or 36 inches @ 1000 yards
To use the MIL-DOT system effectively you must precisely estimate
the size of the target. Example: Lets say an average bear is 6 feet tall.
The bear is covered by 4 mils in your reticle. Convert the bear’s 6 feet
to yards. After converting you should be left with 2 yards. Multiply the
2 yards by 1000 yards, (average power of scope) you should be left
with 2000 yards. Divide 2000 yards by the number of mils that covers
the bear (4 mils) it will equal out to 500 yards. Those 500 yards are the
distance between you and the bear. (below is a formula for calculating
the range with your Mil-Dot Reticle and below that is a table of mils)
Height of target (yards) X 1000 = Range (yards)
Height of target (yards) X 1000 = Range (yards)
Height of target
It is important that you estimate the height of the target is correct. The
slightest size difference can throw off the range. A good way of knowing
the height of objects is by training on your spare time.
Here are some suggestions, to increase your range estimation skills
Here are some suggestions, to increase your range estimation skills
- Build targets of known dimensions such as 1 yard squares and
number them so that the targets can be seen from a distance.
- Now place the targets at various ranges making sure that the targets
are visible from the start point.
- Return to the start point. With a notepad, number left side of the pad
with the number of targets you have put out.
- Look at the targets you have put out and determine the range with
the naked eye. Write down this fi gure on your note pad next to the
corresponding target number. This will help you develop your eye
skills and assist you in estimating range by optics.
- After your fi nished determining the range with the naked eye,
establish a stable shooting position with your unloaded rifl e or mil dot
equipped spotting scope.
- Use the formula listed below to determine range. Using an odometer
or a measuring wheel determine the actual range to the targets.
- Compare the actual range between using a measuring wheel, naked
eye and using mils.
Height of target (yards) X 1000 = Range (yards)
Height of target (yards) X 1000 = Range (yards)
Height of target
Windage & Moving Targets
It is possible for you to use your Mil-Dot scope for calling wind, this
requires practice and the same goes for moving targets. Moving
targets are an extremely diffi cult task. By practicing and attending
competitions, even as an observer, will help you develop the skills for
using your Mil-Dot scope. Watching and asking experienced shooters
with the wind, and moving objects, will help you become stronger at
using the Mil-Dot for windage & moving targets.
This skill is extremely diffi cult, as well as diffi cult to train. However, if
you have the means of making a moving target in an area where you
can train you should do so at every opportunity.
Here are some suggestions
Here are some suggestions on moving targets
on moving targets
- Start with slow speeds and then build speed as skill increases. Do
not increase target speed until you can hit them 90% or better all
of the time.
- Use a target size that at a minimum replicates the kill zone of your
intended target. In the beginning, a larger target should be used to
show hits to allow you to adjust your leads/actions.
- Begin training at close ranges, (50yards) and increase as your
skills increase.
- You should use a partner slightly behind your shoulder with a
spotting scope and looking for a bullet trace and provide you with
the feedback as to where the bullet is landing
©2011 BARSKA® | La Verne, CA 91750 | w w w. b a r s k a . c om
5 mil
1 mil
1/4 mil