BARSKA Riflescope User Manual
Riflescope manual

WINDAGE / ELEVATION (inches per click or movement)
100yds 200yds 300yds
100yds 200yds 300yds
1/8 inch
1/4 inch 1/2 inch 3/4 inch
1/8 inch
1/4 inch 1/2 inch 3/4 inch
WINDAGE / ELEVATION (inches per click or movement)
100yds 200yds 300yds
100yds 200yds 300yds
1/16 inch 1/8 inch 1/4 inch 3/8 inch
1/16 inch 1/8 inch 1/4 inch 3/8 inch
150 / 137
75 / 68
200 / 183
100 / 91
250 / 228
125 / 114
300 / 274
150 / 137
350 / 320
175 / 160
400 / 365
200 / 183
450 / 411
225 / 205
500 / 457
250 / 228
550 / 503
275 / 251
600 / 549
300 / 274
Distance Scale
Focus Ring
Battery Compartment
2. After zeroing in your gun, replace the windage and elevation caps.
1. After zeroing you may use the appropriate tool to remove the windage and elevation drums
and then reposition them so that zero ("0") lines with the indicator line on the spindle. For
further windage adjustments count the clicks from the zero point on the windage and
elevation drums.
2. For target scopes you may adjust the windage and elevation settings until the bullets
strikes the centre of the target.
3. For future reference you should make a chart of the correct windage and elevation
settings for each load and the range you shoot.
NOTE: Climatic conditions such as rain and wind as well as altitude can affect the trajectory
and you might find it useful note some sight deviations in the settings from one shooting
session to the next.
If your scope has an electronic reticle there are degrees of
illumination. The rheostat is located at the top of the eye bell.
The batteries are coins style batteries and when replacing them
ensure the correct position with the "+ " side up.
1. To be parallax free the, target image must be focused onto
the reticle and this is achieved if the scope is adjusted at the
targets range. Closer targets that are either closer or further
away cause parallax which is perceived as an apparent
movement of the reticle against the target.
2. Some small amount of parallax that can appear in general
purpose hunting scopes and within the normal hunting range
is insufficient to be of concern.
3. For target shooting, parallax is not acceptable and can be
eliminated at all ranges by providing a user adjustable
focusing system.
NOTE 1: Some models have a focusable objective lens mount
for parallax correction at user selectable ranges. If your scope
has this equipment, rotate the objective focusing ring to the
desired distance setting
NOTE 2: Some models have the parallax adjustment located on the objective, others
have it in front of the eye bell while others might have it in the saddle area.
1. Your riflescope is shockproof and waterproof but you should not try to take it apart or
clean it internally. If your scope requires repairs or adjustment you should bring it your
firearms dealer or an authorised service centre. Please refer to the warranty section
for further details.
2. The exposed optical surfaces should be wiped clean occasionally with the included
lens cloth or with a special optical cleaning cloth. It is recommended to keep the
protective lens cover on the scope when not being used.
3. The metal body of your scope can be cleaned by using a soft brush or a damp cloth
followed by a soft cloth. To maintain the scope, you can use a silicon treated cloth to
restore lustre and protect the scope against corrosion, however do not touch the
lenses with the silicone cloth.
1. The point to distance of the 30/30
reticle is equal to 30 inches at 100
yards (76cm at 100 meters) @ 4X
magnification. The average size buck
would fill this distance. If it fills only
half the distance, it is 200 yards
(183meters) away. If it fills one third
the distance, it is 300 yards (274
meters) away.
2. The chart shows the point to point
and point to crosshair distance at
various powers.
ATTENTION: Make sure the gun is not loaded and use safe
gun handling procedures at all times.
1. The pre-zeroing sighting can be done with scope guide or
a shot shaver which can be obtained from your firearms
2. If your scope is fitted with a parallax adjustment, rotate the
parallax ring to the 50 yards (46m) position and set the
zoom to mid power.
3. Rest the rifle on a steady support and remove the windage
and elevation cap. Look through the bore from the breech
at a 50 yards (46m) target and move the butt stock to centre the target in the bore.
4. For actions other than bolt you will need a small mirror that you position in the ejection port
and tilted so you can see through the bore.
5. Without moving the rifle adjust the windage and elevation screws to centre the reticle on the
target. To raise the point of impact, turn the elevation screws anti clockwise. To shift left turn
windage screw clockwise.
6. If large amount of windage and elevation adjustments are needed to bore sight, make about
½ of the required elevation change, then about ½ of the windage. To finish apply the balance
of elevation correction and the windage.
NOTE: If you have windage adjustable rings, use them to adjust the windage and make the
final adjustments with the scope's built in system.
NOTE FOR AIRGUN SCOPES: Remove the protective caps and rotate the finger adjustable
windage and elevation drums to centre the reticle.
ATTENTION: All shooting should be done in an approved range and in a safe area and that
eye and ear protection is used
DANGER: If you used a bore sighting collimator or another bore obstructing device, remove it
before proceeding. If the barrel has been drilled for a mount, ensure that the screws do not
obstruct the bore. Do not fire live or even blank ammunition with an obstructed barrel as any
obstruction can cause serious damage to the gun and the possible injury to yourself and other
people around you.
1. Set zoom models to the highest power, parallax correctable models to 100 yard (914 meters)
and observe the bullets strike the target. Adjust windage and elevation screws as needed to
correct the aim.
NOTE: Each click adjustment changes bullet strikes by the amount shown on the chart below.
1. Hold the scope about 2 to 3 inches (6 to 10cm) away from your
eye and look through the eye bell against a flat and clear
background such as the sky or a white wall.
2. If your reticle isn't sharp, loose the eye bell locking ring and turn
the eyepiece in either direction a few turns. If the focus has not
improved turn into the other direction until the reticle appears in
sharp focus and then tighten the locking ring.
3. If your model is equipped with a fast focus eye bell (there is no
lock ring) you will only need to turn the eye bell in or out of
ATTENTION: Make sure the gun is not loaded and use safe gun handling procedures at all
1. Make sure you have the appropriate ring mounts for your rifle, if not your firearms dealer will
assist you.
2. Separate the two ring mounts and set the scope into the cradles of the lower ring mount and
turn the screws just enough to hold them together. Push the scope forward as much as
possible whilst ensuring at the same time that the elevation turret is on top.
3. Shoulder or bench rest the rifle and pull the scope back forward until you see the full field of
view. Adjust the altitude of the reticle and align the vertical and horizontal components with
the bore axis.
4. Once you have positioned the scope and aligned the reticle with the bore axis, tighten
the ring tops.
ATTENTION: Do not over-tighten as this could damage the scope affecting the performance or
even make it useless. You should ensure that on both sides of the rings there is always a slight
gap of the same diameter.
w w w . b a r s k a . c o m
©2009 BARSKA
Optics, as manufacturer, warrants this new precision optical product to be free of
original defects in materials and/or workmanship for the length of time specified by this
Optics, as manufacturer, warrants this new precision optical product to be free of
Optics, as manufacturer, warrants this new precision optical product to be free of
warranty. This warranty does not include damage caused by abuse, improper handling,
original defects in materials and/or workmanship for the length of time specified by this
original defects in materials and/or workmanship for the length of time specified by this
installation, maintenance, normal wear-and-tear, unauthorized repairs or modifications and
warranty. This warranty does not include damage caused by abuse, improper handling,
warranty. This warranty does not include damage caused by abuse, improper handling,
tampering in anyway.
installation, maintenance, normal wear-and-tear, unauthorized repairs or modifications and
installation, maintenance, normal wear-and-tear, unauthorized repairs or modifications and
This warranty is limited to the original purchaser and is not transferable. This warranty applies
only to products purchased in the United States of America and Canada.
This warranty is limited to the original purchaser and is not transferable. This warranty applies
This warranty is limited to the original purchaser and is not transferable. This warranty applies
In the event of a defect within 30 days, the consumer must return the defective unit to the
In the event of a defect within 30 days, the consumer must return the defective unit to the
In the event of a defect within 30 days, the consumer must return the defective unit to the
In the event of a defect within 30 days, the consumer must return the defective unit to the
In the event of a defect within 30 days, the consumer must return the defective unit to the
dealer (the place of purchase) at his/her own expense.
In the event of a defect within 30 days, the consumer must return the defective unit to the
In the event of a defect within 30 days, the consumer must return the defective unit to the
Beyond 30 days, BARSKA
products should be sent to the following address for warranty
repairs. Products must be packed carefully and sturdily to prevent damage in transit, and
Beyond 30 days, BARSKA
Beyond 30 days, BARSKA products should be sent to the following address for warranty
products should be sent to the following address for warranty
returned freight prepaid to:
repairs. Products must be packed carefully and sturdily to prevent damage in transit, and
repairs. Products must be packed carefully and sturdily to prevent damage in transit, and
LA VERNE, CA 91750
For additional and updated information
please visit our website at
For additional and updated information
For additional and updated information
Please email [email protected] or call 1-888-666-6769 for Return Merchandise Number
(RMA#) before any returns.
Please email [email protected] or call 1-888-666-6769 for Return Merchandise Number
Please email [email protected] or call 1-888-666-6769 for Return Merchandise Number
NOTE: All merchandise received without a valid RMA # will be returned to shipper at his/her
(RMA#) before any returns.
(RMA#) before any returns.
own expense.
Please include all of the following when returning BARSKA
products for service and/or
Please include all of the following when returning BARSKA
Please include all of the following when returning BARSKA
1. Please write your complete details (Name, Address, Telephone#, E-mail address, RMA#,
1. Please write your complete details (Name, Address, Telephone#, E-mail address, RMA#,
1. Please write your complete details (Name, Address, Telephone#, E-mail address, RMA#,
2. Purchase receipt or Proof of Purchase. (Original/Copy)
3. A brief explanation of the defect.
2. Purchase receipt or Proof of Purchase. (Original/Copy)
2. Purchase receipt or Proof of Purchase. (Original/Copy)
4. A Check/Money Order of $25.00 to cover inspection, shipping and handling.
3. A brief explanation of the defect.
3. A brief explanation of the defect.
*Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
4. A Check/Money Order of $25.00 to cover inspection, shipping and handling.
4. A Check/Money Order of $25.00 to cover inspection, shipping and handling.
This product will either be replaced or repaired at the discretion of the warrantor. If it's a
discontinued item, we will replace the product with an equivalent product. Should the repair not
This product will either be replaced or repaired at the discretion of the warrantor. If it's a
This product will either be replaced or repaired at the discretion of the warrantor. If it's a
be covered by this warranty, an estimate will be sent for your approval. Non-warranty repairs
discontinued item, we will replace the product with an equivalent product. Should the repair not
discontinued item, we will replace the product with an equivalent product. Should the repair not
or refurbishing of your optical products are always provided at a reasonable cost.
be covered by this warranty, an estimate will be sent for your approval. Non-warranty repairs
be covered by this warranty, an estimate will be sent for your approval. Non-warranty repairs
Optics shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental and/or contingent
damages whatsoever. This warranty supersedes all previous BARSKA
Optics shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental and/or contingent
Optics shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental and/or contingent
Optics shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental and/or contingent
Optics shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental and/or contingent
Optics warranties.
Optics shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental and/or contingent
Optics shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental and/or contingent
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w w w . b a r s k a . c o m
* Models May Vary
©2009 BARSKA