B&K Precision MDL Series - Manual User Manual

Page 67

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13. The MDL Series with mainframe extension can support a

maximum of 16 channels. 0 represents the MDL001 mainframe
and 1 represents the MDL002 mainframe extension. □7□5□3□1
indicates channels 1, 3, 5, and 7 have been equipped with
electronic load modules.

Active Channel
0 : □ 7 □ 5 □ 3 □ 1
1 : □□□□□□□□

14. Select the channels to be tested. For instance, if you want to

select channels 3 and 5, press number keys 3 and 5. ‘Y’ denotes
the channel is selected. If you want to cancel a channel, press
the number key again to cancel. Then press Enter to confirm
your selection.

Active Channel
0 : □ 7 □ 5 □ 3 □ 1
1 : □□□□□□□□

15. Select the steps needed to test. For example, if you want to

test 4 steps, press 1 2 3 4 (0 stands for the tenth step). If you
want to cancel a step, press the number key again to cancel.
Press Enter to confirm your selection.

Active SEQ.
0 9 8 7 6 5 Y Y Y Y

16. If you want to suspend a step, press the number key of the

step. For example, to suspend step 2, press 2. Press the
number key again to cancel. Then press Enter to confirm your

Pause Sequence
□□□□□□ 4 3 Y 1

17. To edit the first step of the 4 steps, determine whether you

need short circuit testing on channel 3 and 5. For example, if
channel 3 needs short circuit testing, input 3. Then press Enter
to confirm your selection.

SEQ01 Short CH
0 : □□□ 5 □ Y □□
1 : □□□□□□□□

18. Set load on time (T


). For example, if you need 2s, input 2 and

then press Enter key to confirm.

SEQ01 On Time


19. Set load off time (T


). For example, if you need 2s, input 2 and

then press Enter key to confirm.

SEQ01 Off Time


20. Set test delay time (T


). For example, if you need 1s, input 1

and then press Enter key to confirm.

SEQ01 P/F Delay Time
= 1.0S