AVTECH Room Alert 32W Monitor (RA32W-WS1-RAS) User Manual
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AVTECH Software Inc.
External Sensor Options
Room Alert 32W
Sound, Light & Entry Sensor
The AVTECH Sound, Light & Entry Sensor allows real-time monitoring for sound and
light at the location of the sensor. Sound and light sensitivity can be adjusted. This sensor
also includes a set of switch sensor contacts and an AVTECH Room Entry Sensor. Each
sensor can be monitored independently or an ‘any sensor’ contact set allows all sensors to
be monitored as a ‘general alarm’ via a single cable. Any switch sensor can be attached to
the switch sensor contacts. This is an instant ‘plug & play’ sensor that connects to one or
more of the switch sensor contact sets via a low voltage 2-wire cable.
Panic Button 1
The AVTECH Panic Button 1 (large palm or foot size) provides the ability to initiate a real-
time notifi cation to others via the push of a button. This is an instant ‘plug & play’ sensor
that connects to one of the switch sensor contact sets via a low voltage 2-wire cable.
Panic Button 2
The AVTECH Panic Button 2 (medium palm size) provides the ability to initiate a real-
time notifi cation to others via the push of a button. This is an instant ‘plug & play’ sensor
that connects to one of the switch sensor contact sets via a low voltage 2-wire cable.
Powered Wireless Sensor Hub (P-WiSH)
The AVTECH Powered Wireless Sensor Hub (P-WiSH) is used exclusively to transmit
sensor data from internal and connected sensors back to the Room Alert 26W or 32W IT
environment monitoring hardware unit. It can be located anywhere monitoring is desired
up to almost 250’ (in the ideal environment) from the main unit without running cables.
Wireless Sensor Hub & Powered Relay (WiSPR)
The AVTECH Wireless Sensor Hub & Powered Relay (WiSPR) is a wireless hub that
is used to relay sensor data between WiSH sensors and the Room Alert 26W or 32W
IT environment monitoring hardware unit, allowing users to extend the length of their
wireless monitoring. It can be located anywhere monitoring is desired up to almost
350’ (in the ideal environment) from the main unit without running cables.
NOTE: Visit AVTECH.com to learn more about these or other AVTECH manufactured sensors.
Dry Contacts
Any non-voltage, dry contact sensor can be connected to provide an immediate alert when the sensor or
device changes status to go on/off, make/break, open/close. Connect these to one of the switch sensor
contact sets via a low voltage 2-wire cable.