2715 characteristics – Atec Tektronix-2715 User Manual

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Channel table generator –
You can create your own
channel tuning tables in
addition to the standard
tables provided. Creating

your own custom channel
tuning tables is a simple mat-
ter of editing one of the stan-
dard tables or creating a com-
pletely new table by filling in
a predefined, on-screen chan-
nel-setup form. Your custom
tables can then be transferred
to the 2715 to be used with
its built-in measurement fea-
tures. Result: data will be
consistently taken on all of
your system carriers includ-
ing scrambled channels, aero-
nautical offsets, and non-
standard frequencies.
High-level test sequences –
You can configure automatic
test sequences from the
2715’s built-in measure-
ments. Creating a test
sequence is a simple matter
of indicating the desired tests
in an on-screen setup matrix
Your test sequences can then
be transferred to the 2715 for
later execution via front-
panel selections, or run from
a PC situated at another loca-
tion. This capability allows
less experienced technicians
to easily execute high-level
test sequences that have been
defined and loaded into the
2715 by a cable TV system
engineer or senior technician.
Additionally, a time of day
can be specified for auto-
matic execution of any test
sequence. You can also spec-
ify the number of times that a
test is to be repeated and the
interval of time between test

repetitions. This allows you
to leave the 2715 unattended
while it automatically per-
forms its time initiated test
procedures and stores results.
For example, you can leave
the 2715 at a node site
overnight or over the week-
end for unattended monitor-
ing and data collection.
Labor-saving ancillary
features –
Detailed or
summary current or historical
measurement results can be
printed directly from the
2715 PC Software or can be
copied into another Microsoft
program for report
You can execute tests from a
remotely-located 2715 by
using the CATV RF Measure-
ments PC Software in con-
junction with the Terminal
Program that is a standard
accessory of the Windows
operating system software.
You can place the 2715 at a
node of another remote site
while measurements and data
collection are controlled from
a centrally located PC. This
configuration can signifi-
cantly reduce the number of
field trips necessary to moni-
tor and diagnose system trou-
ble spots. The RF Measure-
ment Software also includes
limits checking, alarming and
271X display transfer

The demodulated video display aids channel or program identifica-
tion. It also aids trouble-shooting by showing gross picture anoma-
lies, such as the hum bars displayed here.

Measurement conditions and results are clearly displayed on-
screen. Text can even be added, to describe measurement location
for example.


The following specifications and features
apply after a 15 minute warmup period and
after all normalizations, including reference
normalizations, have been performed. CATV
characteristics represent typical perfor-
mance and are dependent on general spec-
trum analyzer specifications. CATV charac-
teristics need not be verified independently
providing that all spectrum analyzer specifi-
cations are verified.


Channel Selection –
Visual and aural carriers displayed when
channel number is entered or front-panel
Tune Configuration: STD, HRC, IRC, and
custom; configured using 2715 PC
Channel Range: 0 to 999; configured using
2715 PC software.
Frequency Range: 1 MHz to 2.15 GHz;
dependent on selected Channel Table.

Visual Carrier Frequency –
Measured with internal counter to 1 Hz

resolution with accuracy of 5x10


x Carrier

Frequency ±10 Hz ±1 Least Significant
Visual-to-Aural Carrier Frequency –
Aural carrier measured with internal counter
relative to visual carrier.
Difference Range: 1 MHz to 10 MHz
(depending on selected channel table) for
an amplitude difference of <30 dB and aural
carrier to noise >15 dB (300 kHz RBW).
Resolution: 1 Hz.
Accuracy: ±15 Hz for visual-to-aural carrier
difference <8 MHz.
Visual Carrier Peak Level –
Absolute peak amplitude measured with
preamp off.
Amplitude Range: –18 dBmV to
+58.8 dBmV for visual carrier to noise
>30 dB (300 kHz RBW) and total input
power <+70 dBmV.
Frequency Range: 15 MHz to 1015 MHz.
Resolution: 0.1 dB.