Atec Tektronix-2715 User Manual

2715 cable tv spectrum analyzer

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Digital and Analog Testing for Hybrid

The 2715 Cable TV Spectrum
Analyzer now includes auto-
mated tests for both analog
and digitally-modulated
channels. When you are
ready to begin installing
digital transmission of video,
data or voice, the 2715 is
ready to help. After setting
up the 2715 with the new,
companion Cable TV RF
Measurement Software for
Windows, the analyzer auto-
matically determines the cor-
rect measurements for each
channel type – analog, digi-
tal, FM or pilot.

Dependable, In-service Analog
Carrier Measurements at an
Affordable Price

Now you can make more
proof of performance and
other cable system measure-
ments without disruption of
service to subscribers. And
you can minimize the incon-
venience of making measure-
ments at the output of set-top

converters. The 2715 pro-
vides accurate and automated
measurement of carrier-to-
noise, in-channel response,
and coherent distortion sig-
nals as well as carrier levels,
frequencies, and more…with-
out removal of video carriers
or modulation. In-service
measurement of CTB requires
an unoccupied channel adja-
cent to the test channel.

Characterize your Digital Channels

Channel averaged power,
noise and distortions on digi-
tally modulated channels can
all be measured by the 2715.
It’s important to understand
the performance of each of
the digital channels in your
system as well as their inter-
action with your analog
channels. Both broadband
random noise-like distor-
tions, and coherent distor-
tions – plus noise – can be
measured. They all can
degrade the bit-error-rate
behavior of your digital
signals. The 2715 includes

Copyright © 1999 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cable TV Spectrum Analyzer

The 2715 is a complete cable TV RF testing solution.


In-service Measurements Minimize
Program Interruption, Reduce Cost
of Acquiring Performance Data
– Compatible with NTSC and PAL

Digital Channel Measurements Are
Ready When You Are – Characterize
Averaged Power; Check Noise and
Distortions that Can Worsen BER
– Applicable to QAM, QPSK, QPR,
VSB, and OFDM Signals

Addresses All FCC Proof of
Performance Measurements

Cable TV Measurements Enhance
Measurement Repeatability and
Reduce Technician Training Time

Carrier Level, Carrier Frequency,
Carrier-to-noise, Hum/LFD, and
Other Key Measurements Execute
Automatically from Easy-to-use,
On-screen Menu

Unattended and Remote
Measurement Modes Reduce
Personnel Requirements in the Field


Input with Quick-change F and

BNC Connectors Reduce Repair
Costs and Minimize Down Time

Enhanced Troubleshooting Power
with Built-in Preamplifier, Audio and
Video Demodulation – All Standard

Frequency Coverage to 2.15 GHz,
with Options 50 and 75, Can View
Downconverted Satellite Signals

Includes Windows

-compatible PC

Software for Programmed
Measurement Configuration, Data
Collection, Measurement Results
Printouts, Limits Checking,
Alarming and Control of a Locally or
Remotely-located 2715

High Portability, On-board Non-
volatile Memory, Four Digital
Displays for Spectral Display
Storage and Comparison, Plus True
Analog, Continuous Gray Scale
Display for Detecting Low Level
Beats and Spurs Amidst Noise and
Active Video