Atec Tektronix-2715 User Manual
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digital channel averaged
power, desired-to-undesired
signal power ratio (D/U) and
CTB/CSO measurement. You
also can verify the spectral
occupancy of your digital
modulators with an adjacent
channel leakage (ACL) mea-
surement. The distortion and
noise measurements require a
brief removal of the digital
signal. You get all this capa-
bility in a 23.5 lb., compact,
easy-to-carry package … at an
attractive price. All of the
common cable system spec-
tral measurements are built
in and menu-selectable
including those needed to
address field FCC proof of
performance requirements.
An accompanying Microsoft
-compatible PC
software package adds mea-
surement configuration, data
collection, measurement
results printouts, limits
checking, alarming and more.
What used to be complicated
measurement procedures,
even for engineering, are now
push-button simple. Techni-
cians can easily perform
extensive cable system analy-
sis and data collection in the
field, all automatically.
Measurements and data col-
lection can also be done
remotely under computer
control. Or the 2715 can be
left unattended to run auto-
matic measurements and data
collection initiated by the
built-in real-time clock. Data
collected in the field can be
transferred from the 2715’s
memory via an RS-232 or
GPIB interface to a PC. The
2715’s accompanying Win-
dows PC software package
includes easy transfer of data
to your choice of Windows-
compatible spreadsheet or
database programs for cus-
tomizing analysis or reports.
Quick, Repeatable, Automated
The 2715 contains the follow-
ing measurements and capa-
bilities in its cable TV
(CATV/APPL) application
Analog Channels:
• Direct channel tuning and
automatic positioning of
visual and aural carriers
• Visual and aural carrier
level and frequency
• Survey of system visual
and aural carrier levels and
• Depth of modulation adjust-
ment and measurement
• Aural carrier FM deviation
adjustment and
• Visual carrier-to-noise
• In-channel response
• Hum/low-frequency distur-
bance measurement
• System frequency response
• View baseband modulation
(field and line) and view
• Aural carrier demodulation
(listen mode)
• Intermodulation distortion
measurement (CTB and
• Cross modulation
Digital Channel
(applicable to QAM, QPSK,
QPR, 8VSB and OFDM sig-
• Averaged power
• Desired-to-undesired signal
power ratio (D/U)
• Adjacent channel leakage
• CSO and CTB
• Direct channel tuning and
automatic positioning of
digital signal
• Survey of system digital
channel levels
• System frequency response
Measurements selected from
the menu are automatically
executed, and the results are
displayed on the CRT screen.
Not only are complex mea-
surements reduced to push-
button simplicity for less-
experienced spectrum ana-
lyzer users, but measurement
repeatability is high.
A battery pack option makes
2715 measurements and data
collection possible even where
AC power isn’t available.
More Troubleshooting Help...
In addition to automated
measurements, the 2715 also
provides analog channel
video and aural carrier
demodulation. Aural carrier
demodulation allows you to
listen to the program audio
on the selected channel. Sim-
ilarly, the demodulated video
feature allows you to view
the video on the currently
selected channel (or from a
down-converted satellite sig-
nal). Also, full-field or indi-
vidual horizontal line wave-
forms can be viewed.
All of these features aid posi-
tive channel or program iden-
tification in the field. They
also aid recognition of many
system problems.
...And Maintenance Help
Built-in adjustment modes
for audio carrier deviation
and video depth of modula-
tion assist in day-to-day
maintenance of your system.
These adjustment modes are
conveniently accessible from
within the automated FM
deviation and depth of modu-
lation measurement routines.
Check filters, line amplifiers, cables
The 2715’s 75
Tracking Generator (Option
05) provides a convenient
means of measuring fre-
quency response on key sys-
tem components. You can
also sweep most two-port
The 2715 capitalizes on PC power
The Microsoft Windows-com-
patible software package that
accompanies the 2715 runs
automated cable TV measure-
ments via an RS-232 or GPIB
interface and collects mea-
surement history for tracking
system performance.
The software package
provides the following