Application features, Key benefits of the careplan include, Technology training – Atec Wavetek-SDA-5000-5500-5510 User Manual

Page 8: Training seminars include

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Key Benefits of the CarePlan Include:

Cost-effective product maintenance support

Annual calibration certification program

Proactive hardware and software upgrades

Technical support

Application Features

Technology Training

Acterna provides a comprehensive CATV technology training
program designed to help teams of technicians understand the
changing needs of today's advanced networks.

Training Seminars Include

HFC Basics

Sweep and Balance Forward and Return

Sweep 101 “Bootcamp”





Full frequency response testing

Forward sweep mode using

headend transmission

Reverse path alignment for

Reverse Sweep mode

new digital services

Prepare for cable

Reverse Alignment mode

modem deployment

View return distortion and ingress

Reverse ingress/noise

as captured at headend

PathTrak Field View option

Reverse path ingress troubleshooting

Built-in low-pass filter

and preamp, dwell time

Handle multiple reverse path sweep

Multiple user reverse

tests at one time

sweep reception (up to 10
simultaneous users)

Pro-active reverse path maintenance

PathTrak Field View



Forward sweep without headend

Sweepless Sweep using


carrier levels only

Forward path sweep carrier

Forward transmission of


sweep carriers

Quick scan of active channel plan

SCAN mode w/limit check

View local distortion and ingress

Spectrum Display

View and measure cable

Zero Span TDMA Time

modem carriers on return path

Domain mode


Test forward path digital services

digiCheck and

QAM view option

CSO/CTB measurements

CSO/CTB mode

Amplifier checks and

TILT mode


Local Amplifier and optical

CW Loopback (opt. 1 or 2)

node alignment

Sweep Loopback (opt. 2 only)

In-service Carrier-to-Noise

C/N mode


Analog and digital

LEVEL mode

level measurements

digiCheck mode

Depth of modulation measurements

MOD mode