Atec Tektronix-TDS-5052-5054-5104 User Manual
Page 5

Transition – Trigger on pulse edge rates that are
faster or slower than specified. Slope may be positive,
negative or either.
Setup/Hold – Trigger on violations of both setup time
and hold time between clock and data present on any
two input channels.
Pattern – Trigger when pattern goes false or stays
true for specified period of time. Pattern (AND, OR,
NAND, NOR) specified for four input channels defined
as High, Low or Don’t Care.
State – Any logical pattern of channels (1, 2, 3)
clocked by edge on channel 4 (channel 2 on
TDS5052). Trigger on rising or falling clock edge.
Trigger Delay by Time – 16 ns to 250 seconds.
Trigger Delay by Events – 1 to 10,000,000 Events.
Waveform Measurements
Amplitude – Amplitude, High, Low, Maximum,
Minimum, Peak to Peak, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS,
Cycle RMS, Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot.
Time – Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative
Width, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle,
Period, Frequency, Delay.
Combination – Area, Cycle Area, Phase, Burst Width.
Histogram-related (optional) – Waveform count,
Hits in box, Peak hits, Median, Maximum, Minimum,
Peak to Peak, Mean (µs), Standard Deviation (sigma),
µ+1 (
), µ+2 (
), µ+3 (
Acquisition System
Real-time Sample Rates:
1 Channel (max)
5 GS/s
5 GS/s
5 GS/s
2 Channels (max)
2.5 GS/s
2.5 GS/s
2.5 GS/s
3-4 Channels (max)
1.25 GS/s
1.25 GS/s
Equivalent Time Sample Rate (max)
250 GS/s
250 GS/s
250 GS/s
Maximum Record Length
per Channel:
400 k (1 ch)
400 k (1 ch)
400 k (1 ch)
With Standard Memory
200 k (2 ch)
200 k (2 ch)
200 k (2 ch)
100 k (4 ch)
100 k (4 ch)
With Opt. 1M
2 M (1 ch)
2 M (1 ch)
2 M (1 ch)
1 M (2 ch)
1 M (2 ch)
1 M (2 ch)
500 k (4 ch)
500 k (4 ch)
With Opt. 2M
8 M (1 ch)
8 M (1 ch)
8 M (1 ch)
4 M (2 ch)
4 M (2 ch)
4 M (2 ch)
2 M (4 ch)
2 M (4 ch)
Maximum Duration at Highest
Real-time Resolution (1 ch)
Time Resolution (single shot)
200 ps (5 GS/s)
Max Duration with Standard Memory
80 µs
80 µs
80 µs
Max Duration with Opt. 1M
400 µs
400 µs
400 µs
Max Duration with Opt. 2M
1.6 ms
1.6 ms
1.6 ms
Acquisition Modes
FastAcq Acquisition
FastAcq optimizes the instrument for analysis of
dynamic signals and capture of infrequent events
Maximum FastAcq
100,000 wfms/s
Waveform Capture Rate
Acquire sampled values
Peak Detect
Captures narrow glitches at all real-time sampling rates
Minimum Peak Detect Pulse Width
<1 ns
From 2 to 10,000 waveforms included in average
From 2 to 2 x 10
waveforms included in min-max envelope
Real-time boxcar averaging reduces
random noise and increases resolution
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS5000 Series
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes • TDS5000 Series •
Video Design.
Illustration of triggering on
an analog HDTV tri-level synch signal and
examining horizontal blanking interval.
Characteristics, cont.