Atec Tektronix-TDS600C Series User Manual

Whether you are working on
next generation microproces-
sor designs, high-speed data
communications equipment,
or in high-energy physics
research, the TDS 694C cap-
tures your fastest signals with
the best fidelity and resolu-
tion available. Its 3 GHz
bandwidth preserves your
waveform’s fast rising edges
and accurately shows signal
details. With 10 GS/s digitiz-
ing rate simultaneously on all
four channels and a high-sta-
bility timebase, the TDS 694C
makes your critical timing
measurements with the high-
est resolution and accuracy
– even channel-to-channel
measurements made in a sin-
gle acquisition.
The TDS 600C oscilloscopes
incorporate all the advanced
trigger features you expect in
a high performance oscillo-
scope. The TDS 694C can be
configured for cross trigger-
ing with a Tektronix TLA 700
Logic Analyzer.
The TDS 600C oscilloscopes
give you the total solution to
your digital design character-
ization and debugging needs.
Now you have the tool you
need to verify design mar-
gins, characterize setup and
hold times, and measure
clock-to-data skew on the
fastest digital designs.
The TDS 600C offers 29 auto-
matic measurements, with
measurement statistics, to
make your design verification
and characterization job
much faster and easier.
Available Java-based applica-
tion packages for Jitter Analy-
sis, Disk Drive measurements
and Processor Specification
measurements provide cus-
tomized measurements and
analysis capability. The
TDS 600C gives you the per-
formance and features you
need to get your job done
faster and more thoroughly.
Copyright © 1999 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved.
TDS 694C, TDS 684C,
TDS 680C, TDS 654C
Digital Real-Time
3 GHz, 1 GHz and 500 MHz
Bandwidth to Work with the Fastest
Signals in Today’s Digital Designs
10 GS/s and 5 GS/s Sample Rate on
all Channels Simultaneously for Full
Bandwidth Single-shot Capture
Histograms and Measurement
Statistics to More Fully Characterize
Design Performance
Support for Java
Hard Disk Drive Storage (option)
Validation and Characterization of
High Speed Digital Designs
Communications Design
High Energy Physics