Digital phosphor technology, Mixed signal design and analysis (mso series), Color-coded digital waveform display – Atec Tektronix-MSO4000 Series User Manual
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Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes — MSO4000 Series, DPO4000 Series
Digital phosphor technology enables greater than 50,000 wfm/s waveform capture rate
and real-time intensity grading on the MSO/DPO4000 Series.
Digital Phosphor Technology
The MSO/DPO4000 Series’ digital phosphor technology provides you with
fast insight into the real operation of your device. Its fast waveform capture
rate - greater than 50,000 wfm/s - gives you a high probability of quickly
seeing the infrequent problems common in digital systems: runt pulses,
glitches, timing issues, and more.
Waveforms are superimposed with one another and waveform points that
occur more frequently are intensified. This quickly highlights the events
that over time occur more often or, in the case of infrequent anomalies,
occur less often.
With the MSO/DPO4000 Series, you can choose infinite persistence
or variable persistence, determining how long the previous waveform
acquisitions stay on-screen. This allows you to determine how often an
anomaly is occurring.
Mixed Signal Design and Analysis
(MSO Series)
The MSO4000 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes provide 16 digital
channels. These channels are tightly integrated into the oscilloscope’s user
interface, simplifying operation and making it possible to solve mixed-signal
issues easily.
The MSO Series provides 16 integrated digital channels enabling you to view and analyze
time-correlated analog and digital signals.
With the color-coded digital waveform display, groups are created by simply placing digital
channels together on the screen, allowing the digital channels to be moved as a group.
You can set threshold values for each channel, enabling support for up to 16 different
logic families.
Color-coded Digital Waveform Display
The MSO4000 Series has redefined the way you view digital waveforms.
One common problem shared by both logic analyzers and mixed signal
oscilloscopes is determining if data is a one or a zero when zoomed in far
enough that the digital trace stays flat all the way across the display. The
MSO4000 Series has color-coded digital traces, displaying ones in green
and zeros in blue.