Atec Teseq-Schaffner-NSG3060 User Manual
The modular solution for 6 kv applications, Nsg 3060, How-to video

Interrupts \ PQF Simulators
How-To Video
A d v a n c e d Te s t S o l u t i o n s f o r E M C
Teseq’s new NSG 3060 conducted immunity generator takes the proven, user-friendly design of
the highly successful Modula series to a new level. This innovative design uses modular architecture
to provide a versatile system that can be confi gured for basic testing needs and expanded to meet the
needs of sophisticated test laboratories.
Designed to fulfi ll requirements for CE mark and ANSI C62.41 testing, the NSG 3060 performs
tests for Combination wave surge, Ring wave and Electrical Fast Transient (EFT) pulses as well as Power
Quality Testing (PQT). Extensive expansion capabilities enable the system to be confi gured for a much
broader range of applications.
New pulse generator modules can be added to the original system quickly and easily with
the NSG 3060’s unique “Master-Slave” concept. This technology allows individual pulse modules to be
calibrated separately with the calibration data and correction factors stored on the slave controller. New
modules can be installed with no need to return the entire system for calibration.
Using state of the art components, the self-contained modules set new standards with respect
to switching and phase accuracy and exceed the existing standards’ requirements. With its powerful
processors, the NSG 3060 can completely fulfi ll the unique coupling requirements specifi ed by ANSI
C62.41. This standard requires that the pulse amplitude be adjusted for the phase position of the pulse
on the AC mains, and for the amplitude of the mains voltage.
A 7” touch panel display with superb contrast and color is the most striking feature of the new NSG
3060. For fast and effi cient data entry, input devices include an integrated keyboard and a thumbwheel
with additional keys for sensitivity adjustment.
The user-friendly graphic display speeds test setup. Each parameter’s value is highly visible and
all settings can be quickly selected and modifi ed with the generously sized touch input buttons. A stylus
is not necessary, and ramp functions are programmed quickly and easily. Multi-step test procedures can
be created and their sequence or parameter values changed easily.
With Expert Mode users can make manual parameter changes using the thumbwheel while a
test is under way, providing an effective and fast method for identifying critical threshold values.
The Test Assistance (TA) function allows users to initiate standardized test with just a few “clicks”
to achieve quick, reliable results in a development environment.
An easily accessible SD memory card allows fi rmware downloads to be performed quickly and tests
to be saved. In the rare case that storage space is not suffi cient, the card can be replaced by a commer-
cially available SD memory card and existing test fi les can be easily copied onto the larger SD card.
Modular, expandable system
Surge voltage to 6.6 kV for over-
Easy to use 7” color touch screen
IEC and ANSI coupling methods
TA (Test Assistance) provides fast
standard test settings
Parameters can be changed while
test is running
Wide range of optional test
High accuracy switching techno-
logy meets ANSI coupling require-
NSG 3060