8003 precision scalar network analyzer – Atec Gigatronics-8003 User Manual

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.A/ US032012

8003 Precision Scalar Network Analyzer


Cursors and Markers

Cursor: The cursor can be positioned with the tuning knob or via the numeric keypad. The frequency and amplitude test data at the

cursor on all active channels is digitally displayed.

Cursor Delta: Displays differences in dB and frequency between the reference cursor and the main cursor.

Cursor Min/Max: Automatically moves the cursor to the minimum or maximum value of test data.

Cursor “x” dB: Automatically moves the cursor to the point on the trace equal to the value of “x” in dB or dBm.

Cursor “x” Bandwidth: Automatically displays cursors right and left of the cursor at the frequencies where the test data is equal to

the value of “x” dB, and displays the bandwidth between the cursors.

Ref to Cursor: Automatically changes the Ref Level to the level at the cursor.

Markers: Displays up to 10 markers generated by the 8003. The cursor can be moved directly to any marker or moved sequentially

through the markers.


Transmission Loss or Gain Measurement: Transmission loss or gain measurements are made relative to a 0 dB reference point

established during calibration. Therefore, frequency response errors of the source, sensors, and signal splitting device are removed.

The remaining elements of uncertainty are mismatch error, instrument linearity (Fig. 1) and noise uncertainty given in the absolute

power accuracy section.

Transmission Accuracy = Instrument Accuracy + Mismatch Uncertainty