8003 precision scalar network analyzer – Atec Gigatronics-8003 User Manual

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.A/ US032012

8003 Precision Scalar Network Analyzer


Wide Dynamic Range

The Model 8003 Precision Scalar Network Analyzer can make

accurate, single sensor power measurements over a frequency

range of 10 MHz to 40 GHz with a dynamic range of –70 to +20


This wide dynamic range results from our unique use of switched

linear gain stages, with a maximum gain of more than 100 dB,

rather than the log amplifiers typically used in other scalar

analyzers. In addition to wide dynamic range, our approach also

delivers extremely accurate low level measurements all the way

down to –70 dBm.

Power Meter Linearity

The Model 8003 also incorporates a unique, built-in power

sweep calibrator that linearizes the sensor’s diode response in

the non-square-law region, from –30 to +20 dBm. The calibration

system uses the inherent linearity and stability of an ovenized

thermistor to accurately calibrate the high-speed diode sensors

from 0°C to 50°C. The result is a linearity specification of ± 0.02

dB (0.5%) over any 20 dB span and ± 0.04 dB (1%) over the

entire 90 dB dynamic range to ensure accurate ratio or relative


Absolute Power Measurements

The same built-in calibrator that linearizes the sensor provides a

1 mW signal accurate to within ±0.7%, stable over temperature

and time, and traceable to NIST. Each Giga tronics power sensor

contains an EEPROM programmed with the frequency calibration

factors measured at the factory, or in your Cal Lab. When you

key in the frequency at which power is being measured, the

meter automatically applies the correct calibration factor from

the sensor EEPROM.

The combination of an accurate, traceable calibration reference

and an accurate frequency response curve for each power

sensor ensures absolute power measurements with power

meter accuracy.

Power Sensors to meet your Application

Giga-tronics offers an extensive line of power sensors for

the Model 8003 to address a variety of power measurement

applications. This includes standard CW power sensors, low

VSWR CW power sensors, true RMS sensors, and our unique

triggerable pulse sensors.

The 80340 Series triggerable pulse sensors let you display

the response from a pulsed source. You can choose between

two modes of operation - measure with either a pulsed fixed

frequency (CW mode), or with a pulsed swept frequency (start/

stop mode) signal from a sweeper (swept signal generator). The

sensors can also be used to display the response of devices with

no pulse modulation on the signal generator.

The Model 8003 incorporates a unique, built-in power sweep


The 80340 Series triggerable pulse sensors let you display

the response from a pulsed source.