Atec Geometrics-G-858 User Manual
Portable cesium vapor magnetometer, Model g−858 magmapper, A professional magnetic mapping system

Portable Cesium Vapor
Model G−858 MagMapper
Excellent Performance
Low Noise/High Sensitivity, best in
the industry – 0.008nT/
Hz RMS –
and world wide operation
Very Fast
– Log mag and GPS at
up to 10 samples per second for
economic large area surveys at high
sample density
Optional Non-Magnetic cart
for near surface target search
Optional Integrated GPS
with Backpack
– Includes non-
magnetic backpack and Novatel
Low AC Field Interference –
Best in the industry for rejecting AC
power line grid noise (50/60 Hz)
– Simple setup and
rapid in-field map generation with
free MagMap2000™ software
Reliability –
Our Cesium sensors
never need calibration or factory
realignment. Designed for extreme
ruggedness and reliability.
Designed for large surveys in
many disciplines
versatile tool is specially designed
for large area surveys with 8 hr data
storage capacity and two 6 hr
battery packs.
A Professional Magnetic Mapping System
For Utilities, Ordnance, Archaeology, Environmental, Minerals and Petroleum Surveys