Ideal for service, At home in every development lab – Atec Rohde-Schwarz-FSL3-FSL6 User Manual
Page 8
Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSL
Ideal for service
High measurement accuracy
Extensive evaluation options
Wide range of functions
Built-in frequency counter
Tracking generator for directional
power measurements (for example
with the ¸ZRB2 or ¸FSH-Z2
VSWR bridge)
Easy output of measurement results
to USB printer or file
The ¸FSL‘s excellent price/perfor-
mance ratio makes it a must for ev-
ery developer‘s lab bench, as indis-
pensable as an oscilloscope or multime-
ter. Its range of functions and operation
are largely identical with those of the
¸FSU class of reference analyzers,
simplifying the reproducible verification
of measurements.
Good RF performance at a low price
Widest I/Q demodulation bandwidth
in its class
Quasi-peak detectors and EMC band-
widths of 200 Hz, 9 kHz, and 120 kHz
for EMC checks during development
and precompliance testing
Tracking generator for directional
power measurements (for example
with the ¸ZRB2 or ¸FSH-Z2
VSWR bridge)
High measurement accuracy
Easy output of measurement results
to USB printer, network printer or file
Easy remote control via LAN
Connection to Matlab
At home in every development lab
The ¸ FSL’s wide scope of functions al-
so extends to channel/adjacent channel power
measurements. To simplify use, many default
settings can be selected by pressing a button.