Fast and versatile in production – Atec Rohde-Schwarz-FSL3-FSL6 User Manual

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Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSL

The ¸FSL is ideal for fast, easy mea-
surements during production. A quick
check of the level and frequency is often
all that‘s needed. The ¸FSL’s high
speed of >80 sweeps/s in zero span, in-
cluding remote output of data (or trace
data), ensures high production through-

Even a simple level calibration can be
streamlined and accelerated with the
¸FSL’s integrated complex mea-
surement functions – a special multisum-
mary marker measures different levels
in the time domain in a single sweep.
This eliminates reset and remote control
overhead time. For fast synchronization
or triggering, the ¸FSL-B5 addition-
al interfaces option – which includes a
special trigger interface – can be added.
The ¸FSL also features the function-
ality needed to handle more complex
tasks, for example a wide I/Q demodula-
tion bandwidth.

Wireless interfaces such as WLAN are
becoming widespread, even in mobile
phones. This requires a greater number
of modulation measurements on broad-
band signals during production. With its
I/Q demodulation bandwidth of 20 MHz,
the ¸FSL is ready for the challenge.

In addition, the ¸FSL offers the fol-
lowing functions:

Fast ACP measurements in the time
domain for the major mobile radio
standards, with very good repeatabili-
ty and short measurement times
List mode: measurements with up to
300 analyzer settings in a single
IEC/IEEE bus command
Fast power measurement in the time
domain using channel or RRC filters
Fast frequency counter with 1 Hz
resolution and measurement times
<50 ms.

Remote control via LAN or

IEC/IEEE bus in line with SCPI

The standard remote interface is a
10/100BaseT LAN interface that provides
significantly higher speeds than an
IEC/IEEE bus for transferring large data
volumes. It also offers considerable cost
advantages over IEC/IEEE bus wiring.
However, IEC/IEEE bus remote control
can be added by installing the
¸FSL-B10 option.

The command set of the ¸FSL fol-
lows SCPI conventions and is thus large-
ly compatible with the ¸FSP and
¸FSU analyzers.

The ¸FSL is immune to reliability
problems caused by mechanical switch-
ing of the RF attenuator, since its RF
attenuator switching mechanism is com-
pletely electronic and thus not subject
to wear.

Fast and versatile in production

This manual is related to the following products: