Atec Fluke-910-910R User Manual

Technical data, Controlled frequency standards

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Technical Data

910/910R GPS

Controlled Frequency Standards

The 910 and 910R GPS-con-

trolled frequency standards

deliver a precision frequency

and pulse-per-second time

“reference which, with its many

connectivity options, can be

installed, monitored and man-

aged from virtually any location.

Both models receive their long-

term frequency stability from

the built-in cesium standards in

the GPS-satellite array, yet can

also provide a very high short-

term stability from the built-in

oven controlled crystal oscillator

(OCXO) or rubidium oscillator (Rb).

Both the 910 and 910R are

fully traceable and extremely

accurate frequency standards

and are ideally suited for use

in many applications, including

telecommunications, calibration

and automatic test systems.
Unique traceability feature

means no more re-calibrations

Off-air frequency standards

have existed for several years.

But until now, they all have had

the same internal architecture

(Figure 1). The unit is, in effect,

a “black box,” with an antenna

input and a frequency output.

The local oscillators con-

trol process (disciplining) is

hidden from the user. Typically,

users have used another fre-

quency reference (for example,

a rubidium standard), a timer/

counter and a PC for logging the

deviation between the “black

box” and the frequency reference.

The concept of traceability

requires an unbroken chain of

comparisons to international

standards, on a continuing basis,

where all comparisons produce

documented results with stated


Now, for the first time, a docu-

menting frequency comparator

and a very stable secondary

standard are united within the

same instrument together with

the GPS receiver.

The received GPS signal is

measured continuously against

the local oscillator. Phase and

frequency deviation is stored

internally and can at any time

be transferred to any PC directly

from the 910/910R or, via the

optional Ethernet interface, from

or to almost anywhere. Then by

using the GPSView



supplied with every model, a

printout of the traceability record

can be obtained. The unbroken

calibration history chain—day

by day—is maintained in the

non-volatile memory for several

years, with the current 24-hour

mean offset being displayed con-

tinuously on the front panels LCD


Such unique traceability to

primary standards means that

the 910 and 910R never need

to be away for re-calibration.

Thanks to this design, the very

high stability built-in rubidium

or OCXO oscillator is continuously

calibrated to the primary freq-

uency standards in the US Naval

Observatory and ultimately to

UTC, in both operating modes,

disciplined or manual hold-over.
Two high-stability models to

meet your application, and

fit your budget

Fluke Calibration offers two

standard models in its controlled

frequency standards range; the

very-high stability 910R with its

built-in rubidium atomic clock

as the local oscillator, and the

affordable 910 with its high

stability local oven controlled

crystal oscillator.

Figure 1. A typical “black box GPS receiver” (antenna in - reference out). Internal oscillator

offset and adjustments are invisible to the user.

The cesium controlled frequency standard that uses

GPS technology and connectivity to provide primary

standard traceability from any location








Reference Out (10 MHz)