Atec Kikusui-TOS6100 User Manual
Options, For electrical safety testers

Copyright © 2002 KIKUSUI ELECTRONICS CORP. All rights reserved.
The separately sold accessories shown here can all be used with the withstanding voltage testers and insulation resistance testers
shown in this catalog with the exception of the limiting conditions for each item. Since some of these accessories may not be able
to be used with previous types not described in this catalog, please ask your dealer or the manufacturer when conditions are
■High-Voltage Test Lead
[cable length: 1.5 m/max. operating voltage: 5 kV]
[cable length: 3 m/max. operating voltage: 5 kV]
[cable length: 1.5 m/max. operating voltage: 10 kV]
[cable length: 1.5 m/max. operating voltage: 5 kV (for TOS1200, RL01-TOS)]
[cable length: 1.5 m/max. operating voltage: 5 kV
(for TOS7000 series, 149-10A, RL01-TOS)]
[cable length: 0.5 m/max. operating voltage: 5 kV
(for parallel connection of TOS9220/9221)]
[cable length: 1.5 m/max. operating voltage: 5 kV (for TOS9220/9221)]
[cable length: 1.5 m/max. operating voltage: 1 kV (for TOS7200)]
[cable length: 1.5 m/max. operating voltage: 10 kV (for 149-10A)]
■Remote Control Box
This enables test on and reset operations to be performed by
remote control.
[one-hand operation/dimensions: 200W
39D mm]
[both-hands operation/dimensions: 330W
39D mm]
☛Accessory cable length: 1.5 m
Note:The optional Adapter DD-5P/6P (DIN to Mini DIN) is required for the connection with TOS7200
■Warning Light Unit
This warning light unit is used
t o i n d i c a t e t h e s t a t u s o f
withstanding voltage testers (test
or judgement). This unit can be
turned on and off by a 100 V AC
input or a make contact signal.
■Low-Voltage Test Probe (for TOS6100/6200)
This test probe is to be used exclusively for earth continuity
testing. Test on and reset can be performed using the switch
on the probe.
●LTP-2 [cable length: 2 m/
max.operating current: 30A]
■High-Voltage Test Probe
(mainly for withstanding voltage testers)
These are handy probes for use with withstanding voltage
testers. These probes employ a design in which all test
switches on the probe can be pressed when holding onto the
probe by its grip.
●HP01A-TOS [cable length:
1.5 m/max. operating voltage:
4 kV AC (RMS), 5 kV DC]
●HP02A-TOS [cable length: 3
m/max. operating voltage: 4
kV AC (RMS), 5 kV DC]
■Low-Voltage Test Leads (for TOS6100/6200)
Test leads with alligator clips are to
b e u s e d e x c l u s i v e l y f o r e a r t h
continuity testing.
● TL11-TOS [cable length: 1.5 m /
max.operating current: 30A]
* This can not be used with TOS6200,
TOS9200/9201, TOS7200
■Buzzer Unit
This buzzer unit is used when the volume obtained with the
electronic buzzer incorporated
in withstanding voltage testers
is not sufficient. This unit can
be turned on and off by a 100 V
AC input or make contact
* This can not be used with TOS6200,
TOS9200/9201, TOS7200
■DIN Cable
DD-3 5P [cable length: 3m
(For RC01-TOS, RC02-TOS)]
☛Please contact your dealer or the manufacturer in cases when
electrically insulated gloves, electrically insulated rubber
sheets and so forth are required.