A-rms measurement, Energy measurement (kwh, kvah, kvarh), Pf (power factor) – Atec Fluke-1735 User Manual

Page 4: Frequency measurement

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4 Fluke Corporation 1735 Three-Phase Power Logger

A-rms measurement

Flexi set I ranges

15 A/150 A/3000 A rms (at sine)

Current clamp ranges

1 A/10 A


0.01 A


150 A/3000 A and 1 A/10 A
Intrinsic error: ± (0.5 % of m. v. + 10 digit)
Operating error: ± (1 % of m. v. + 10 digit)


15 A
Intrinsic error: ± (0.5 % of m. v. + 0 digit)
Operating error: ± (1 % of m. v. + 0 digit)

The errors of the current probes are not considered.

By using Flexi-Set:

Flexi Set measuring error

± ( % of m.v. + 10 digit)

Position influence

± (3 % of m.v. + 10 digit)

CF (typical)


Note: When using Flexi Set please make sure to position the conductor opposite to

the Flexi Set-lock (refer following figure).



Flexi Set-Lock

Power measurement (P – Active, S – Apparent,

Q – Reactive, D – Distorting)

Measuring range: see V rms and A rms measurement

Power errors are calculated by adding the errors of

voltage and current

Additional error due to power factor PF

Specified error x(1-





Maximum range with voltage range 830 V delta-

connection and 3000 A current range is .490 MW,

higher displayed values possible when using PTs and

CTs with ratio feature

Intrinsic error

± (0.7 % of m.v. + 15 digit)


1 kW

Operating error

± (1.5 % of m.v. + 0 digit)

Typical range with voltage range 30 V wye connection

and 150 A current range is 34.50 KW.

Intrinsic error

± (0.7 % of m.v. + 15 digit)


1 W to 10 W

Operating error

± (1.5 % of m.v. + 0 digit)

The errors of the current sensors themselves have not been considered.

Energy measurement (kWh, kVAh, kVARh)

Intrinsic error

± (0.7 % of m.v.+ F variation error*

+ 15 digit)


1 W to 10 W

Operating error

± (1.5 % of m.v. + F variation error* +

0 digit)

*Frequency variation error

PF (Power factor)


0.000 to 1.000




± 1 % of full scale

Frequency measurement

Measuring range

46 Hz to 54 Hz and 56 Hz to 64 Hz

Intrinsic error

± (0. % of m.v. + 5 digit)

Operating error

± (0.5 % of m.v.+ 10 digit)


0.01 Hz