Atec IFR-Aeroflex-FMAM1600S User Manual

Atec Equipment

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Full Featured TIA/EIA-136 Test Solution

The FM/AM-1600S/CSA provides you

with the industry’s only fully approved test

solution for TIA/EIA 553A analysis. The

FM/AM-1600S/CSA is accepted for

confirming the proper operation of the

critical dual mode analog/digital

authentication procedure. It also offers a

complete suite of tools for comprehensive

signaling protocol compliance testing of

TIA/EIA-136 dual mode TDMA/DAMPS

phones on all the world’s cellular frequency

assignments below 1 GHz.

The FM/AM-1600S/CSA provides both

base station and mobile phone

conformance test capabilities.

The AC1036 conformance test option

verifies and thoroughly documents that

your handset’s signaling software conforms

to current TIA/EIA-136 series specifications.

AMPS Solutions

Engineered to be a flexible test solution,

the FM/AM-1600S/CSA also incorporates

AMPS and NAMPS mobile terminal and

base station signaling compliance test

features as well as standard radio


Full AMPS testing modes are available with the


As a true dual mode solution, the

FM/AM-1600S/CSA incorporates AMPS

and NAMPS mobile terminal tests as a

standard feature. Optional base station

testing routines, unique to the type of

infrastructure under test, automate cell site

testing chores so that maximum network

quality is easily maintained. Automatic test

routines and user defined print outs

enhance manual mode testing for both

mobiles and base sites.

Comprehensive control channel

simulations, voice channel signaling,

home/roam condition, SID assignments,

SAT, DSAT, DST, DCC, SINAD reference

points, RF power windows, and other

helpful functions and signaling

manipulation tools let you test analog

AMPS/NAMPS systems and radios as

thoroughly as you need to.

A Full Complement of Radio Test Set

Functions to 1 GHz.

The FM/AM-1600S/CSA gives you full

frequency domain analysis to 1 GHz with a

fully featured spectrum analyzer and

tracking generator.

The FM/AM-1600S/CSA gives you full featured

service monitor functions.

The FM/AM-1600S/CSA also offers a

full complement of traditional service

monitor features including a full scan

digitized oscilloscope to 1 MHz, a DVM,

SINAD meter and functions, frequency and

channel tables, selectable IF filters, and a

wide variety of displays.

In addition to the full coverage 1 GHz RF

generator, the FM/AM-1600S/CSA also

gives you full audio/data generator


Cellular Protocol Analyzer

Ideal for conformance

and protocol testing of

UWC-136 base stations

and terminals


ireless - Radio T

est Sets

Industry accepted protocol analyzer

for TIA/EIA-136 conformance

Dual-Band, 400/800 MHz cellular
TIA/EIA 553A protocol compliance

Analog/digital authentication

compliance testing option
TIA/EIA-136 handoff test capability
Fully automated remote testing

ability with RS-232 or IEEE-488

(GPIB) interfaces
Intuitive test set up screens for

easy "Guided" user testing
Full featured 1 GHz service monitor

with a full range spectrum analyzer

and tracking generator
Easy to read color display simplifies

analysis of complex protocols



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