Atec Narda-EHP-50C User Manual
Atec Equipment

Safety Test Solutions an
communications company USA • Germany • Italy
USA TEL: (1) 631 231-1700 • FAX: (1) 631 231-1711 • E-MAIL: [email protected] •
Electric and Magnetic Field Measurement
Electric Field and Magnetic Flux Density Analysis
from 5 Hz to 100 kHz
Isotropic Measurements with a Dynamic Range
of 140 dB
Small Size and Optical Fiber Connection for
Accurate, Repeatable Measurements
Built-in FFT Spectrum Analysis
Three (Narrowband, Broadband and Marker)
Detection Modes
Internal Memory for Stand Alone Measurements
Interfaces to PC and Pocket PC
EHP-50C Electric Field and
Magnetic Flux Density Analyzer
Measurements of ELF/VLF (Extremely Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency)
fields, in an accurate and repeatable manner, have long been a difficult proposition.
Interference caused by the proximity of the surveyor has made E-field measurements
especially difficult, and most devices have offered only single axis sensors rather than
isotropic arrays that only served to further reduce repeatability. With new standards
and recommendations (like IEEE C95.6) being introduced and the increase of implant-
ed medical devices, there is an increased need to know what the field levels are in our
workplaces and/or around the products we manufacture no matter what their direc-
tion or orientation.
The Narda EHP-50C is a new and innovative system that has been designed to offer the
highest performance, capabilities and functions, for measurements of low frequency
electric and magnetic fields. The EHP-50C performs E and
β field measurements in the
5 Hz to 100 kHz range with an unsurpassed dynamic range of > 140 dB and built-in
spectrum analyzer function. The EHP-50C, along with a display device (PC or Pocket
PC), allows the user to select among three measurement modes: Wideband, which
measures the contribution of all the frequency components in the selected frequen-
cy span; Highest, which measures only the highest level found within the Span; and
Spectrum, with marker functions.
Narrowband spectrum analysis capability of the EHP-50C makes it possible to measure
only the contribution from the selected source – e.g. a high voltage line – excluding
other nearby additional frequencies.