Spectrum analyzers, R9211series, Choice of 4 types, to fit the application – Atec Advantest-R9211 Series User Manual

Page 3

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Spectrum Analyzers

Phase difference between channels: In same sensitivity range, at 0

to 90% of frequency range (at 23

± 5˚C)

Power supply for accelerometers: Only AC input coupling,

4 mA source current, + side of channel A or B
Max. operating voltage +18 V, open circuit voltage 24 V max.

Overload display: LED
Test signal: At frequency ranges from 100 to 2 kHz,

amplitude level: approx. -4 dBV, frequency: sine wave, 8% of range


Trigger modes: Free run mode, manual trigger mode, external

trigger mode, input signal trigger mode, automatic repeat trigger

Trigger source: Input signal trigger through channel A or B signal;

external signal trigger by EXT signal

Trigger level:

Input signal trigger; Set by number keys with a resolution of 1/
256 of amplitude range
External signal trigger; TTL, rising or falling edge can be selected
(rear panel BNC connector)

Trigger slope: +, -,

± (input signal trigger)

Trigger position: -128 K to +1 M sample, with 1 channel measure

-64 K to +1 M sample, with 2 channel measurement


Frequency domain averaging modes: Addition (SUM), subtraction

(SUB), exponential function moving average (EXP), peak value
detection (PEAK)

Time domain averaging modes: Addition (SUM)
Delay domain averaging modes: Addition (SUM)
Amplitude domain averaging modes: Addition (SUM)
Number of averagings: 1 to 32767
Overlapping: 0%, 50%, 75%, MAX
Start/stop control: Start, stop, +1, continue (except for servo mode)

(erasing done automatically during start)

Measurement Modes

• Waveform measurement mode
• Spectrum measurement mode
• Time/frequency analysis mode
• Frequency response function measurement mode
• Servo analysis mode (R9211B/C)

Waveform Measurement Mode

Measurement functions:

Time domain instantaneous data, time domain average data, auto-
correlation function, cross-correlation function, probability
density function, cumulative distribution function

Amount of analysis data: 64 to 8192 points (1 channel),

64 to 4096 points (2 channels)

Amount of delay domain data: 64 to 2048 points
Averaging: Time domain averaging

Delay domain averaging
Amplitude domain averaging

Conversion function: Engineering units
Marker analysis functions: Peak value, rise time, fall time, pulse

width, root-mean-square value

Choice of 4 Types, To Fit the Application


(Continued From Previous Page)

Input and Analysis Characteristics

Number of input channels: 2
Input format: Difference input format, signal ended format
Input impedance: Approx. 1 M

Ω/100 pF (at signal ended)

Input coupling: AC, DC, GND
A/D converter resolution: 16 bits
Frequency range: 10 mHz to 100 kHz, 22 ranges in 1, 2, 5 steps
Frequency accuracy:

± 50 ppm of frequency range ± measurement

resolution (at +23˚C

± 5˚C)

Input filter: Anti-aliasing filter (roll off characteristic -148 dB/oct.) is

applied to each frequency range and automatically set
However, at ranges of 1 kHz and below, analog and digital filters
are used together

Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR):

50 dB min. (with DC coupling, at 50/60 Hz)

Maximum difference input voltage:

± 200 V

Maximum in-phase input voltage:

± 200 V

Input range: +30 to -60 dBV (variable in 1 dB steps)

Voltage display 44.7 V to 1.41 mV, rms display, 31.6 V to 1 mV

Auto range: Set at the optimum range stated above according to the

input signal (5 dB steps)

Maximum in-phase signal voltage:

± 14 V (-60 to -6 dBV range)

± 140 V (-5 to +14 dBV range)

± 200 V (+15 to +30 dBV range)

Maximum input sensitivity: -125 dBV (approx. 0.56

µVrms) (at

-140 dBV, 2 kHz range)

Dynamic range: All dynamic ranges are those measured at full

scale in spectrum mode, 0 to 90% of frequency range, sine wave
input with -3 dB amplitude level, 32 averagings, rectangular
wave weighting, filter on, 400-spectrum-line condition.
Also, 1/f noise is excluded. (23˚C

± 5˚C)

85 dB min. (+30 to -30 dBV) (90 dB typ.)
80 dB min. (-31 to -40 dBV)
70 dB min. (-41 to -50 dBV)
60 dB min. (-51 to -60 dBV)

Residual noise: All residual noise values are those measured at full

scale in spectrum mode, 32 averagings, rectangular wave
weighting, filter on, 400-spectrum-line condition. Also, 1/f noise is
excluded. However, at 0 to 90% of frequency range (23

± 5˚C)

-85 dB min. (+30 to -40 dBV)
-75 dB min. (-41 to -45 dBV)
-60 dB min. (-46 to -60 dBV)

Amplitude linearity

±0.2 dB max.

(within -40 dB from full scale, +23

± 5˚C)

Frequency flatness:

± 0.3 dB max. (at 23 ± 5˚C)

At 0 to 90% of frequency range, AC coupled -3 dB point is
approx. 0.2 Hz

Amplitude accuracy: Amplitude linearity + frequency flatness (at


± 5˚C)

Amplitude difference between channels: In same sensitivity range,

at 0 to 90% of frequency range (at 23

± 5˚C)





± 3.0˚


± 1.0˚




± 0.3 dB


± 0.1 dB