Atec Agilent-33120A User Manual

Page 4

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Ordering Information

33120A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Accessories included

Operating manual, service manual, quick reference guide, test data,
and power cord


Opt. 001 Phase lock/TCXO timebase
Opt. 106 BenchLink Arb software (34811A)
Opt. 1CM Rack Mount Kit (34190A)*
Opt. W50 Additional 2-year warranty (5-year total)
Opt. 910 Extra manual set

Manual language options (please specify one)

ABA US English
ABD German
ABE Spanish
ABF French
ABJ Japanese
ABZ Italian
ABO Taiwan Chinese
AB1 Korean


Agilent 34161A Accessory pouch
Agilent 34811A BenchLink Arb software

*For racking two side-by-side, order both items below

Lock-link Kit (P/N 5061-9694)
Flange Kit (P/N 5063-9212)



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