Atec Agilent-33120A User Manual
Data sheet

Uncompromising performance
for standard waveforms
The Agilent Technologies 33120A
function/arbitrary waveform genera-
tor uses direct digital-synthesis tech-
niques to create a stable, accurate
output signal for clean, low-distortion
sine waves. It also gives you fast rise-
and fall-time square wave, and linear
ramp waveforms down to 100 µHz.
Custom waveform generation
Use the 33120A to generate complex
custom waveforms such as a heart-
beat or the output of a mechanical
transducer. With 12-bit resolution,
and a sampling rate of 40 MSa/s, the
33120A gives you the flexibility to
create any waveform you need. It
also lets you store up to four 16,000-
deep waveforms in nonvolatile
Easy-to-use functionality
Front-panel operation of the 33120A
is straightforward and intuitive.
You can access any of ten major func-
tions with a single key press or two,
then use a simple knob to adjust fre-
quency, amplitude and offset. To
save time, you can enter voltage val-
ues directly in Vp-p, Vrms or dBm.
Internal AM, FM, FSK and burst mod-
ulation make it easy to modulate
waveforms without the need for a
separate modulation
source. Linear and
log sweeps are also
built in, with sweep
rates selectable from
1 ms to 500 s. GPIB
and RS-232 interfaces
are both standard,
plus you get full pro-
grammability using
SCPI commands.
Optional phase-lock capability
The Option 001 phase lock/TCXO
timebase gives you the ability to gen-
erate synchronized phase-offset sig-
nals. An external clock input/output
lets you synchronize with up to three
other 33120As or with an external
10-MHz clock.
Option 001 also gives you a TCXO
timebase for increased frequency sta-
bility. With accuracy of 4 ppm/yr, the
TCXO timebase make a 33120A ideal
for frequency calibrations and other
demanding applications.
With Option 001, new commands
let you perform phase changes on
the fly, via the front panel or from
a computer, allowing precise phase
calibration and adjustment.
Link the Agilent 33120A to your PC
To further increase your productivity,
use the 33120A in conjunction with
Agilent 34811A BenchLink Arb soft-
ware. The Windows®-based program
lets you create and edit waveforms
on your PC and download them to
your 33120A with the click of a
mouse. Create complex waveforms
in a math or statistics program—or
use the freehand drawing tool—then
pass them into the instrument.
Used in conjunction with an Agilent
BenchLink Scope, the software also
lets you capture a waveform with
your Agilent oscilloscope or DMM and
send it to your 33120A for output.
3-year warranty
With your 33120A, you get operating
and service manuals, a quick refer-
ence guide, test date, and a full 3-year
warranty, all for one low price.
• 15 MHz sine and square wave outputs
• Sine, triangle, square, ramp, noise and more
• 12-bit, 40MSa/s, 16,000-point deep arbitrary waveforms
• Direct digital synthesis for excellent stability
Agilent 33120A
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Data Sheet