Atec Agilent-8902A User Manual

Agilent 8902a measuring receiver

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The Agilent Technologies 8902A measuring receiver
delivers the accuracy and resolution of a high per-
formance power meter at frequencies from 150 kHz
to 1.3 GHz (50 MHz to 26.5 GHz with the Agilent
11793A microwave converter) and levels from
+30 dBm to –127 dBm. It accurately measures AM,
FM, and


M, including residuals and incidentals,

with a single keystroke. The 8902A measuring

receiver, with the 11793A, counts RF signals to
26.5 GHz with 10 Hz resolution and excellent long-
term frequency stability. The 8902A measuring
receiver with Option 050 offers increased power
measurement accuracy. This option specifies Tuned
RF Level on the 8902A measuring receiver to an
accuracy of ±(0.015 dB + 0.005 dB/10 dB step).

Agilent 8902A

Measuring Receiver

Technical Specifications

Agilent 11722A Sensor Module

Agilent 11792A Sensor Module

Agilent 11793A Microwave Converter

Agilent 11812A Verification Kit