Atec Agilent-E4916A User Manual

Page 3

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Meets a Variety of Measurement Needs

on the Production Lines

For Intermediate Inspection:

• Consistent testing with final

inspection. Based on the same

measurement method as that for

the network analyzer, the

HP E4916A provides measurement

results that can properly correlate

with those obtained with the

network analyzer used for final


• Simple operation. The HP E4916A

simply requires trigger inputs to

provide the desired parameters.

• Space saving. The HP E4916A can

fit anywhere in the clean room.

Also, it operates stand alone: no

need to use a PC for testing.

• Self-contained. The HP E4916A

requires no external devices for Fr

(FL) and CI measurements and

Pass/Fail judgment.

For Frequency Adjustments:

• EM (evaporation monitoring)

mode. The HP E4916A comes with

the EM mode for high-speed


For Final Inspection:

• DLD (drive level dependency)

characteristic measurement. The

HP E4916A offers the DLD

characteristic measurement

function for efficient determina-

tion of variations in resonance

frequency and impedance resulting

from variations in drive level.

• Centralized data management. The

HP-IB interface allows testing to be

performed automatically and

measurement data to be managed


• Integration to a handler. The

handler interface allows connec-

tion between an external handler

and the HP E4916A.

For Measurement with Load


• Consistent testing with network

analyzer. When measuring a DUT

with load capacitance, the

HP E4916A can make it easy to

correlate your results with those

obtained with network analyzer,

for which same test fixtures and

load capacitance can be used.

HP 41901A SMD


Network and its Load Capacitances

HP 41900A


Network Test Fixture and its Load Capacitances

• Frequency trapping for automated

evaporation. You can specify

multiple trap frequencies to

determine the transition of the

resonance frequency. The

HP E4916A detects in real time

when the resonance frequency falls

into each of the trap frequencies

and outputs the results through the

handler interface for proper

controlling of the evaporator
