Atec Acterna-TTC-209OSP User Manual

Page 6

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HDSL remote access shelf

With the HDSL remote access shelf,

the user gains additional access

points on the HDSL span. The shelf

houses the HDSL transmission unit at

the remote site, namely a standard

200/400-mechanics HTU-R card.

Much like the HTU-C card within the

HDSL doubler power supply performs

T1-to-HDSL, the HTU-R within the

remote access shelf performs the

HDSL-to-T1 conversion. The remote

access shelf also contains T1 jacks

that allow the T-BERD Outside Plant

Tester to perform BER testing.

Hardware accessories

Users can order accessories for the

T-BERD Outside Plant Tester that can

enhance the test set’s functionality

in performing a number of testing


Troubleshoot T1 spans

Repeater adapter

The repeater adapter enables the

T-BERD Outside Plant Tester to test

repeatered spans with a single cable.

During this process, the user can

control test access to easily section-

alize span trouble. The repeater

adapter allows testing toward the

customer or central office as well as

testing the repeater itself to section-

alize span trouble. It also provides

an additional access point, at the

repeater casing, along the T1 span.

– Repeater power supply

The repeater power supply powers-up

a T1 circuit from the main distribution

frame (MDF) which allows the T-BERD

Outside Plant Tester to test and

qualify circuits prior to installation

and connection of the central office

repeater. If the span is longer than

17 repeaters, the user can select a

current between 60 mA, 100 mA, and

140 mA to power-up longer spans.

The repeater power supply displays

span voltage and current for compari-

son with circuit design.

Repeater power supply multiplexer

The repeater power supply multi-

plexer allows the user to switch

automatically between T1s in the

field. It can remotely switch power

between up to six T1 spans and

provide regenerative signal

loopback for single-technician

applications. It may be used with

standard and intelligentline repeaters.

Turn Up and Troubleshoot HDSL spans

HDSL doubler power supply

With the HDSL doubler power supply,

the technician can access the span at

the MDF and emulate the HDSL trans-

mission unit at the central office

(HTU-C) by housing the 220 mechan-

ics HTU-C card. The HTU-C card inside

the doubler power supply performs

T1-to-HDSL conversion and supplies

the appropriate span power. The front

panels of the doubler power supply

contain T1 jacks that allow the T-BERD

Outside Plant Tester to perform BER

testing. In addition, the T-BERD

Outside Plant Tester can provide

loopback capabilities using prepro-

grammed HTU-C, HTU-R, and doubler
