Switch and measurement connections – Atec Agilent-34970A-3499ABC User Manual
Page 6

Switch and Measurement
Some test systems must be easily
moved or modified for different
devices under test. Having a
removable wiring terminal or a
pre-wired cable would be optimal
for this type of application. The
terminal or cable can simply be
swapped or moved to the new
test configuration and will prevent
the need to rewire a terminal for
each application.
Other test systems can be config-
ured once and may be slightly
modified as time goes on and the
need changes. In this case it would
be easiest to connect wires directly
to the module. The type of wiring
connections offered by the 34970A
and 3499A/B/C are very different
and may be a key consideration for
your application.
The 34970A has simplified the
choice of how to wire the modules
by integrating on-board screw
terminal connectors.
The 3499A/B/C modules offer
flexibility in terminal wiring with
different types of terminals and
cables available. Many of the mod-
ules, N22XXX, allow the user a
choice of screw terminal, crimp &
insert terminal, or a DIN96 to quad
D25, or dual D50 cables. Since a
choice of the type of wiring con-
nection is available the terminals/
cables can be ordered in addition
to the modules. The ability to
order the terminals separately
enables the user to purchase dedi-
cated terminals for different appli-
cations so the terminal will not
need to be re-wired if the same
test system is used for different
applications. Other modules such
as the 4447xx, or Optics, Micro-
wave, and RF modules include the
terminals (i.e. SMA, BNC…) for
application specific connections.
See the 3499A/B/C data sheet for
specific module wiring connection
details at
3499A/B/C Switch Modules
3499A/B/C Terminals