Speedlite 220ex accessories/reference, Speedlite 220ex accessories, Reference – Canon 220 EX User Manual

Page 34: Speedlite 220ex accessories/ reference

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Speedlite 220EX Accessories

Accessories for the Speedlite
220EX are available when oper-
ating E-TTL autoflash control
system for off-camera flash pho-
tography applications, or when
operating TTL autoflash control
system for multiple flash photog-
raphy applications to obtain opti-
mum flash exposure.
By using multiple Speedlite flash
units, you can obtain various
creative lighting effects by giving
the subject more definition and a
more natural appearance. The
TTL autoflash control system
allows simple and automatic
flash output for optimum flash
exposure–without troublesome
multiple flash exposure calcula-

This cord enables you to use the
Speedlite flash unit up to 60 cm/1.98 ft.
away from the camera. All of the cam-
era automatic functions are applicable
for use.

TTL Hot Shoe Adapter 3

Equipped with
a hot shoe and
a Connecting
Cord socket,
this adapter is
mounted on
the camera hot
A Speedlite

flash unit may be mounted on the TTL
Hot Shoe Adapter 3 and a Connecting
Cord may be connected to the socket.
By connecting the other end of the
Connecting Cord to an Off-Camera
Shoe Adapter or a TTL Distributor, you
can connect more Speedlite flash units
to the camera.

Off-Camera Shoe Adapter

This adapter has a hot
shoe, a Connecting
Cord socket, and a tri-
pod socket. Mount a
Speedlite flash unit on
the hot shoe, connect
a Connecting Cord to
the Connecting Cord
socket, and mount the adapter on a tri-
pod. The other end of the Connecting
Cord can be connected to a TTL Hot
Shoe Adapter 3 or TTL Distributor.

Off-Camera Shoe Cord 2

Multiple Flash Accessories

220EX(E) 15-10-2002 07:11 Pagina 34