12 combi alarms – Xylem 702 MJK Comtroller User Manual

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M702GB/0110 Rev. 111001

MJK Automation A/S
Byageren 7
2850 Nærum

45 56 06 56

F a x : 45 56 06 46

ComTroller 702


Programming of storm flow

11.1 Stormflow calculation
Comtroller 702 can be applied for calculation of
storm flow by means of one digital and analogue
input. Generally Comtroller 702 is applied to a level
meter with measuring range adapted to the pump
controller. This measuring range is normally
considerably higher, than what is necessary for
flow measurement, generally 10m for the pump
controller and 10-20cm for flow calculation. The
accuracy of the pump controller’s level
measurement is as the whole measuring range.
The data transmitter will compensate by means of
a digital input. An electrode relay, e.g. MJK 501
and a level electrode e.g. MJK 222860 are
The level electrode is applied where the storm flow
starts. By this, the chosen level meter will be in
zero position and calculate flow on the level signal.
This will improve the accuracy 10 to 15 times in
short term. The system provides a simple and
accurate measurement to a reasonable price.

11.2 Stormflow calculation in use Yes/no
Indicate application of stormflow calculation.
Use the arrow keys and confirm with enter key.

11.3 Zero-point DI #
Indicates the digital input that sets zero-point and
activates the flow calculation.
Choose between AI 1-2
Use the arrow keys, confirm with ENTER.

11.5 Key in the number of Q(h) points (1-9)
Indicate the number of Q/H points for single
linearization of the actual flow. The number can be
set between 1 and 9, as zero-point is set to a flow
of 0 m



Use the arrow keys and confirm with ENTER.

11.6 Key in the level mark
Key in the level (h) in a Q(h) – point. Use the keys
0-9, confirm with ENTER.
The level must be higher than the previous.

11.7 Key in the flow mark
Key in the volume (Q) in a Q(h) point. Use the keys
0-9 and confirm with ENTER.


Combi alarms

It is possible by means of a combi alarm to set off an
alarm call when 2 digital signals is activated
simultaneously. A digital signal can derive from a
digital input or from a limit alarm.

12.1 Combi alarm #
Use the arrow keys or enter 1 to 8 to select the
combi alarm to be programmed.

12.2 Combi alarm in use
Select if the combi alarm should be used. Use the
arrow keys and confirm with ENTER.

12.3 Combi alarm signals
Select the two digital signals to be AND'ed to
activate a combi alarm. The following digital signal
can be selected:
- digital input 1 - 4
- analog limit HIGH 1 - 2
- analog limit LOW 1 - 2
- power failure
12.4 Signal delay
Select the delay for the combilalarm. The delay
time is the time the two digital signals should be
active at the same time to set a combi alarm.
The format for the delay period is MM:SS.
Use the arrow keys (double arrow for minutes and
single arrow for seconds) or the numeric keys and
confirm with ENTER.

12.5 Combi alarm calls
Select if a combi alarm should set off an alarm call.
Use the arrow keys and confirm with ENTER.