Xylem 702 MJK Comtroller User Manual

Page 14

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M702GB/0110 Rev. 111001

ComTroller 702


Telephone list for alarms

(This section applies is only

10.1 Telephone number 1-9
In this menu up to 9 telephone numbers are keyed
in which will be dialed chronologically at an alarm
Press key 1 - 9 to select the number which is to be
changed, press ENTER to change the receiver
type (PC, Pager, ph [phone], SMS), press ENTER
to correct the number - key in the number with the
numerical keys, and confirm with ENTER.
After keying in the telephone number the MENU
key must be used in order to move on to the next
menu, the ENTER key will be of no use here.
When calling through a switchboard, a * can be
used for awaiting a dialtone. A * gives a pause of 2
seconds. I.e. 0*00454556,656##23 means:
First dial 0 to get an external line, await the dialling
tone, then dial 0045 45560656, wait for 4 seconds,
then dial 23.
In the parenthesis following the number, it is stated
which type of reciever the call has been made to.
When calling a modem set to 1 [PC]. When calling
a beeper / pager set to 2 [Pager]. When calling an
ordinary telephone set to 3 [PHONE].

10.2 Key In PS Message
If a telephone number has been chosen as a PS
number, a message of up to 8 digits can be typed
in (e.g. the telephone number of the data transmit-
ter), the message can be different for the various
telephone numbers. The message for the pager is
shown in the pager display together with a code
for the alarm, which has caused the call.
The alarm codes are:

01 : Digital input no 1
02 : Digital input no 2
03 : Digital input no 3
04 : Digital input no 4

21 : Analog limit no 1 LOW
22 : Analog limit no 2 LOW

31 : Analog limit no 1 HIGH
32 : Analog limit no 2 HIGH

51 : Combi alarm no. 1
52 : Combi alarm no. 2
53 : Combi alarm no. 3
54 : Combi alarm no. 4
55 : Combi alarm no. 5
56 : Combi alarm no. 6
57 : Combi alarm no. 7
58 : Combi alarm no. 8

90 : Comtroller power failure

E.g. a datatransmitter with telephone number
455660656 where digital input 5 has an active
alarm input; will give the following alarm message
in the PS:


The configuration is stored in a EEPROM which is
not lost even if the supply is disconnected

10.3 Entering SMS messages
Up to 8 characters can be entered here if a recei-
ver type is selected as an SMS type.
It is possible to enter digits as an SMS message
via Data Transmitter 795, and with MJK-Link32™ it
is also possible to enter a text.
The SMS message will be shown on the cellular
phone with "MJK-702" as the opening text,
followed by the cause of the alarm and the
corresponding SMS message. If a GSM modem
are used as communications unit, the pager
message will be changed to an SMS message.
Check the SIM card in a cellular phone if no SMS
message is transmitted, and check, if the phone
number to the SMSC-server is correct. The phone
number to the SMSC-server depends on the GSM
network service provider.
When sending SMS messages and pager
messages, it is not possible to check whether the
message is sent to the recipient or not, since the
messages are delivered to an external server.