Start the package, Check the pump rotation, Set the system operating pressure – Xylem 10 001 247 R2 TechnoForce Package System User Manual
Page 20: Enter the setup menu
3. Inspect the capillary tubing from the pump discharge to the suction header:
a) Open the petcocks that feed the tubing.
b) Make sure that the plastic tubing does not touch any metal surface. Protect the
tubing with insulation in order to prevent abrasion where it can possibly touch
4. Use the pump vent plugs and/or the vent cocks on the main PRV in order to prove that
there is available water from the suction.
5. Open a faucet in order to create a demand for water on the system pressure piping.
6. Observe the suction pressure and confirm that it is equal to or greater than the suction
pressure listed on the nameplate. System is designed for a specific suction pressure.
Deviation results in degraded system performance. Contact factory if suction pressure
varies from design specifications.
Start the package
1. Close the disconnect in order to apply power to the package.
2. Turn the panel switch to the local position.
3. Watch the screen as the boot-up progresses and note the serial number of the unit.
This is the password that you use for the setup menu.
4. If the unit starts, press the Stop button in order to stop the unit.
Check the pump rotation
1. Select the hand mode on the controller.
2. Enable the pump with the blinking green light.
Do not select any of the other pumps (no green light).
3. Press the start button and spin the first pump.
4. Immediately press the Stop button.
5. Observe the spinning shaft for rotation.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each pump.
7. If all pumps run backwards, reverse the two leads of the incoming power.
8. If only one of the pumps run backwards, reverse the two leads on the pump motors
that are incorrect.
Set the system operating pressure
1. Open a faucet or some other demand for water from the discharge of the package.
This can be anywhere in the building being served by the package.
2. In hand, run one pump.
3. Adjust the PRV to the desired discharge pressure for the building being served.
4. Repeat these steps for each pump in the package. Run only one pump at a time.
5. Make sure that all PRVs are adjusted to the same pressure as what is displayed on the
Enter the setup menu
1. For each pump, confirm the settings entered for the pump motor data.
2. Review all settings for the compatibility with the installed application.
3. Make sure that these settings are in place:
• Auto alt. prd. - 24 or 168 hours
• Forced destage timer - 10 to 15 minutes
• NFSD restart psi - Enter a value 5 to 10 psi less than the site-adjusted discharge
• NSFD minimum run timer - 5 minutes
• NFSD test PR timer - 20 seconds
Commissioning, Startup, Operation, and Shutdown
TechnoForce Package System Mechanical Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual