Asus Striker II Formula User Manual
Page 102

Chapter 4: BIOS setup
1.2V HT Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the 1.2� HT voltage. The text color in the configuration field
indicates voltage condition. When you set the SB LED Selection item to
[SB_HT Volt], the onboard southbridge LED displays 1.2V HT voltage condition.
Refer to page 2�2 for southbridge ���D definition.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.20�] [1.25�] [1.30�] [1.35�]~[1.80�] [1.85�]
[1.90V] [1.95V]
NB Core Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the northbridge voltage. The text color in the configuration field
indicates voltage condition. When you set the NB LED Selection item to [NB Volt],
the onboard northbridge LED displays northbridge voltage condition. Refer to page
2�2 for northbridge ���D definition.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.20�] [1.22�] [1.24�] [1.26�]~[2.40�] [2.42�]
[2.44V] [2.46V]
SB Core Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the southbridge voltage. The text color in the configuration
field indicates voltage condition. When you set the SB LED Selection item to [SB
Volt], the onboard southbridge LED displays southbridge voltage condition. Refer
to page 2�2 for southbridge ���D definition.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.50�] [1.55�] [1.60�] [1.65�]~[1.80�] [1.85�]
CPU VTT Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the CPU �TT voltage. The text color in the configuration field
indicates voltage condition. When you set the NB LED Selection item to
[VTT Volt], the onboard northbridge LED displays northbridge voltage condition.
Refer to page 2�2 for northbridge ���D definition.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.20�] [1.22�] [1.24�] [1.26�]~[2.40�] [2.42�]
[2.44V] [2.46V]
CPU PLL Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the CPU P���� voltage. The text color in the configuration
field corresponds to the onboard CPU ���D color, both of which indicate voltage
condition. When you set the CPU LED item to [PLL Volt], the onboard CPU LED
displays CPU P���� voltage condition. Refer to page 2�1 for CPU ���D definition.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.50�] [1.52�] [1.54�] [1.56�] [1.58�] [1.60�]~
[2.90V] [2.92V] [2.94V] [2.96V] [2.98V] [3.00V]
Bridge Core Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to select the PCIEX16_1 and PCIEX16_3 Bridge voltage.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1.20�] [1.25�] [1.30�] [1.35�]~[1.50�] [1.55�]