Q-Tech QT822 Square Wave User Manual

Page 7

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QT821 and QT822 Square-Wave

32 PIN Flat-Pack


Q-TECH Corporation

10150 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232





Sheet 7 of 10


3.3.1 All piece parts shall be derived from lots that meet the element evaluation requirements of MIL-

PRF-38534, Class K, with the following exceptins:

Active elements

a) Visual inspection of silicon on sapphire microcircuits. Semicircular crack(s) or multiple

adjacent cracks, not in the active area, starting and terminating at the edge of the die
are acceptable. Attached (chip in place) sapphire is nonconductive material and shall
not be considered as foreign material and will be considered as nonconductive material
for all inspection criteria.

b) Subgroup 4, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) inspection. The manufacturer may

allow the die distributor, at his option, to select two (2) dice from a waffle pack
(containing a maximum quantity of 100 die), visually inspect for the worst case
metallization of the 2 dice, and take SEM photographs of the worst case.

c) Subgroup 5 radiation tests. Subgroup 5 radiation tests are not required unless

otherwise specified in the detail purchase order.

3.3.2 Processes - Processes used for manufacturing the TCXO are selected on the basis of their ability to

meet the quality requirements for space High Reliability manufacturing. Travelers or Process Cards
are used in the manufacturing and testing of all of the TCXO Series, and might be available for
customer review. Copies of these Travelers can be provided with the TCXOs at time of shipment if
so specified on the purchase order.

3.3.3 Interchangeability - Each TCXO shall be interchangeable without using a special selection process.

3.3.4 Product Marking - Each unit shall be permanently marked with the manufacturer's name or symbol,

part number, lot date code number, and serial number. The unit shall be marked with the outline of
an equilateral triangle near pin 1 to show that it contains devices which are sensitive to electrostatic

3.4 Parts Program

Devices delivered to this specification represent the standardized Parts, Materials and Processes (PMP)

Program developed, implemented and certified for advanced applications and extended environments.

3.4.1 Quartz Crystal Resonator - The crystal resonator used shall be constructed using premium synthetic

swept Quartz and procured to Q-TECH SCD. For the Engineering models, non-swept quartz may be

3.4.2 Active devices – The microcircuit in this part shall use CMOS technology and shall be from a wafer

proven to be radiation tolerant to 100kRad(Si) total ionizing dose. microcircuit usage – For output frequencies below 14MHz, the output microcircuit shall
be Harris SOS ACS74HMSR, Silicon on Sapphire CMOS technology. This microcircuit is specified to be
Single Event Latchup and Upset free for LET up to 100MeV-cm2/mg. For frequencies greater than or
equal to 14MHz, the CMOS microcircuit shall be 54AC00, see DSCC SMD 5962-87549. This
microcircuit is specified to be Single Event Latchup and Upset free for LET up to 93MeV-cm2/mg. For
output frequencies from 14MHz to 70MHz (3.3Vdc) or 14MHz to 100MHz (5Vdc), the manufacturer
shall be ST Microelectronics; for frequencies higher than 70MHz (3.3Vdc) or higher than 100MHz
(5.5Vdc), the manufacturer shall be National Semiconductor Corporation.