Caution, Tannins (humic acid), Hydrogen sulfi de (h – Aqua-Pure APIF100 User Manual

Page 6: Check your water pressure and pumping rate, Water pressure

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Tannins (Humic Acid)

Tannins (a humic acid), which may be present in some water supplies, are the result of various forms of decaying vegetation (the test for tannins can be performed
by your dealer). Tannins can cause problems in the operation of the iron and manganese reduction system by forming a sticky coating on the media, thus rendering it
incapable of fi ltering the iron. Generally with tannin concentrations of 0.5 ppm or less, more frequent backwashing will help prevent the sticky coating from forming.
It does appear, however, that the level of tannin concentration affects the operation of the chem-free fi lter differently in different geographical areas (in some areas,
the iron and manganese reduction system will perform satisfactorily when tannin concentration is considerably greater than 0.5 ppm). It is therefore recommended
that if the tannin concentration is 0.5 ppm or more, contact your dealer BEFORE installing the system.

Hydrogen Sulfi de (H



Hydrogen sulfi de gas is easily detected by its objectionable “rotten egg” odor. Whenever hydrogen sulfi de is present, backwashing must be performed at more
frequent intervals, and the pumping system MUST include a standard air-to-water pressure tank with an air-relief valve. The air to water pressure tank must be
installed between the hydro-charger and existing pressure tank.

Check Your Water Pressure and Pumping Rate:

Two water system conditions must be checked carefully to avoid unsatisfactory operation or equipment damage:


MINIMUM water pressure required at the media tank inlet is 20 psi. If pressure is over 80 psi, a pressure reducing valve must be installed in the
water supply line ahead of the hydro-charger. NOTE:

Do not install if water pressure exceeds 125 psi (861 kPa). If your water pressure exceeds 80

psi (552 kPa), you must install a pressure limiting valve. Contact a plumbing professional if you are uncertain how to check your water pressure.


you have a private well, the gauge on the pressure tank will indicate the high and low system pressure. Record your water pressure date below:

Water Pressure

Low ________PSI High ________PSI


To reduce the risk associated with property damage due to water leakage:
Do not install system where water lines could be subjected to vacuum conditions without appropriate measures for vacuum prevention.


The pumping rate of your well pump must be suffi cient for satisfactory operation of the hydro-charger and to backwash the fi lter. For model APIF100, the
required rate is 5 gpm (refer to Specifi cations and Operating Data for the backwash requirements for other models). To measure the pumping
rate of your pump, follow these instructions:


Make certain no water is being drawn. Open spigot nearest pressure tank. When pump starts, close spigot and measure time (in seconds) to

refi ll pressure tank (when pump shuts off). This fi gure represents Cycle Time.


With the pressure tank full, draw water into a container of known volume, measure the number of gallons drawn until the pump starts again.
This is the Draw-Down. Divide this fi gure by Cycle Time and multiply the result by 60 to arrive at the Pumping Rate in gallons per minute (gpm).
To aid in your calculation, insert the data in the following formula:

Draw-Down _______(gallons) ÷ Cycle Time ________(seconds) x 60 = Pumping Rate _______ (gpm)

Example: Cycle Time is 63 seconds; Draw-Down is 8 gallons, then Pumping Rate equals:

8 gallons ÷ 63 seconds x 60 = 7.8 gpm


The addition of the hydro-charger to the pumping system or plumbing and other water treatment devices (such as an acid neutralizer) may

reduce the fl ow rate at the drain to an inadequate level to properly backwash the system. If you are uncertain whether your fl ow rate is adequate, contact
your dealer BEFORE installing your iron and manganese reduction system so that corrective action, if required, may be taken.


To reduce the risk associated with property damage due to water leakage:

• Install on a fl at/level surface. It is also advisable to sweep the fl oor to eliminate objects that could pierce the media tank.

Protect from freezing, relieve pressure and drain system when temperatures are expected to drop below 33°F (0.6°C).

Do not install on hot water supply lines. The maximum operating water temperature of this fi lter system is 110°F;
Do not install if water pressure exceeds 125 psi (861 kPa). If your water pressure exceeds 80 psi (552 kPa), you must install a pressure limiting valve. Contact

a plumbing professional if you are uncertain how to check your water pressure;

Do not install where water hammer conditions may occur. If water hammer conditions exist you must install a water hammer arrester. Contact a plumbing

professional if you are uncertain how to check for this condition;

Do not install in direct sunlight or outdoors.
