Problem possible cause solution – Aqua-Pure APIF100 User Manual
Page 23

Possible Cause
1. Water CLEAR when drawn, turns RED upon standing
(stain producing)
a. Insuffi cient air-draw by hydro-charger.
a. Check hydro-charger adjustment. If unable to
adjust for long enough draw, check pumping rate.
b. Bypass open or leaking
b. Close bypass valve and/or repair as necessary.
c. Filter bed overloaded with precipitated iron due to
insuffi cient backwash, or failure to backwash due
to malfunction of control timer or unplugged
control valve power cord.
c. Upon correction of problem (increase backwash
frequency if problem determined to be insuffi cient
frequency), manually backwash until backwash water
starts to clear ( in more severe iron fouling cases, fi lter
bed may need chemical cleaning - contact dealer).
d. Presence of manganese or tannins.
d. Recheck water analysis
e. Flow rate excessive for model.
f. Check-valve located between Hydro Charger and
pressure tank, disrupting water fl ow.
f. Relocate check-valve.
g. Pumping cycle too short, limiting residence time in
pressure tank (may be water-logged).
g. Correct condition.
h. pH of treated water too low (should be 7.0 or
higher; with manganese, pH must be 8.2).
h. Replenish pH Plus component in media (contact dealer).
2. Water RED when drawn from tap
a. Filter bed overloaded with precipitated iron due to
insuffi cient backwash fl ow rate.
a 1. Recheck well pumping rate and repair or replace
as required.
2. Check for obstructions or kink in drain line.
3. Check for improper drain line fl ow controller (see
specs.) Upon correction of this problem, if
manually backwashing does not clear bed of
iron, fi lter bed may need chemical cleaning - contact
b. Filter bed over loaded with precipitated iron due
to insuffi cient backwash, or failure to backwash
due to malfunction of control timer or unplugged
control valve power cord.
b. Upon correction of problem (increase backwash
frequency if problem determined to be insuffi cient
frequency), manually backwash until backwash
water starts to clear (in more severe iron-fouling
cases, fi lter bed may need chemical cleaning - contact
c. Hydro-charger drawing too much air, causing early
precipitation of iron.
c. Reduce hydro-charger air-draw.
d. Hydro-charger installed too far from pressure tank
or pressure tank located too far from media tank
causing iron to precipitate before media tank.
d. Relocate to a location closer to fi lter inlet.
e. Solenoid valve (SPLIT-STREAM or PUBLIC WATER
SUPPLY type installation) malfunction or inadequate
supply system pressure/fl ow rate.
e. Repair or replace solenoid valve and verify adequate
supply system pressure and fl ow rate.
3. Excessive pressure loss through fi lter
a. Filter bed overloaded with precipitated iron.
a. Refer to Section 2 above.
b. Control inlet/outlet valve(s) not fully open.
b. Open as necessary.
c. Sand, silt or mud collecting in fi lter bed.
c. Check well for these conditions.
d. Filter bed not properly “classifi ed.”
d. Manually backwash to reclassify.
e. “Cementing” or “channeling” of fi lter media.
e. Prod (stir) fi lter bed to break up hardened layer.
Increase backwash frequency to prevent reoccurrence.
4. “Milky” or “bubbly” water (Appears to contain
small bubbles)
a. Excess hydro-charger air-draw.
a. Check adjustment for duration of draw in excess
of one-third pumping cycle (see Sec.3, Step 10).
b. Excess gases in water (carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulfi de, methane).
b. May require draining of water system or installation of
air-relief control on the fi ll port cap of valve adapter
base, (contact dealer).