Ocean Optics MMS Raman User Manual

Page 13

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3: Operating the Spectrometer

5. Click on the line under the MMS Raman Spectrometer’s Acquisition node (expand the node if

necessary) in the Data Sources pane, then click on the spectrum graph to activate the acquisition
controls at the top of the screen.

6. Click

(single shot) to start a scan after installing the MMS Raman Spectrometer. Unlike

other Ocean Optics spectrometers, you must first click an acquisition control to start a scan after
installing the MMS Raman Spectrometer. This precaution is taken since the MMS Raman
Spectrometer uses an internal laser.

7. The spectrum graph appears in wavelength units. Select either Processing | Processing Mode |

Raman Shifts or Processing | x-axis Units | Raman Shifts. The next acquisition appears in

Raman Shifts. Click

(single shot) or

(continuous) acquisition control on the

SpectraSuite screen to take your Raman spectrum.
