Ocean Optics EMBED2000+ User Manual
Embed2000+ data sheet, Description

EMBED2000+ Data Sheet
The Ocean Optics EMBED2000+ Spectrometer includes the linear CCD-array optical bench, plus all
the circuits necessary to operate the array and convert to a digital signal. The result is a compact,
flexible system, with no moving parts, that's easily integrated as an OEM component.
The EMBED2000+ Spectrometer is a unique combination of technologies providing users with both
an unusually high spectral response and high optical resolution in a single package. The electronics
have been designed for considerable flexibility in connecting to various modules as well as external
interfaces. The information included in this guide provides detailed instructions on the connection and
operation of the EMBED2000+.
The detector used in the EMBED2000+ spectrometer is a high-sensitivity 2048-element CCD array
from Sony, product number ILX511B. (For complete details on this detector, visit Sony’s web site at
www.sony.com. Ocean Optics applies a coating to all ILX511 detectors, so the optical sensitivity
could vary from that specified in the Sony datasheet).
The EMBED2000+ operates off of a single +3.3VDC supply.