Specifications – Ocean Optics Smart pH Cuvettes User Manual
Page 8

Smart Cuvettes Instructions
Performing a linear fit gives a line with pK equal to the y-intercept and slope equal to the slope. In the
example chart above, the new pK value would be 6.2977 and the new slope value would be 1.7248.
Size and Materials
1 cm x 1 cm PMMA cuvette; 1 cm x 1 cm quartz cuvettes
available for specific applications such as high-temperature
pH Range
Biological range (5-9)
Temperature range
-5 to 70 °C for PMMA cuvettes
<1% of reading
0.01 pH
Response Time
90% step response in 10 seconds
User needs 2 buffers (pH 1 and 11)
Factory Calibration
User needs 1 buffer (pH 5 or 8)
User Complete Calibration Option
Users have the option to perform their own complete calibration,
requiring 4 buffers (pH 5, 6, 7, and 8)
Sensory Signal
Absorbance at 620nm and 750nm
Expendable Parts
PMMA cuvettes are semi-disposable, -- they can be used
multiple times, but they are not intended for long-term
permanent use
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