Ocean Optics Jaz Scripting Language and Scripting Engine User Manual
Page 52
A: Example Scripts
013-RD000-000-12- 201010
A script must have a name and a 3-digit version number. As the product evolves, new script engines will
be produced, so it is important that a script targeted for a later version is not sent to an earlier version
engine. The intention is that all script engines be backward compatible with version 1.0.0. The script
writer adjusts this version tag to guarantee a match between script engines and the script.
SCRIPT Simple_test_of_scriptor
Version 0.0.1
// File to store the Spectrum that we get
testfile1 FILE "testfile1.txt" ASCII
// SPECTRAL variable for the spectrum that we get from the Spectrometer
testspectrum SPECTRAL
// Channel that we are getting the spectrum from
channel INT_16
// Button choice variable
choice INT_16
// Variable to hold the Integration Time
integrationtime REAL
// Start of the Script
// Set variables
channel := 0
integrationtime := 0.0004
// Set the display precision
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- STS-UV (2 pages)
- TR2 Engineering Note (4 pages)
- SAD500 Communications and Control (19 pages)
- Red Tide USB650 Install (26 pages)
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- ADC2000-PCI (13 pages)
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- HL-2000 (20 pages)
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- HL-2000-HP-232 (26 pages)
- External Triggering Options Instructions for Spectrometers with Firmware Version 3.0 and Above (16 pages)
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- USB-ISS-UV_VIS (4 pages)
- ISS-UV_VIS (6 pages)
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