Factory Direct Hardware LCN 9531 User Manual

Page 11

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Page 11 of 14

4. KEYPAD SETTINGS (continued)

Table 4-1. Control Box Settings and Selectable Values

Opening Speed






Values as



Approximate angle at which door begins
to decelerate near the full open position

Amount of time (in seconds) door remains
fully open following an activate signal

Approximate angle at which door begins
to decelerate near the full closed position

Controls opening speed of any normal
weight and size door

Controls speed of door near full open
position to prevent door slamming open

To turn on, set to SA (fail safe) or SE (fail
secure) to match locking device connected
to control box locking interface receptacle
(P10); when on, causes a 1 second delay
between activate signal and door opening
to allow time for most electric locks to
disengage before operator opens door

When on, door will re-open upon hitting
an obstruction

back check Speed

back check Position

hold open delay

Latch Position

Auto reverse Closing

Electric Lock

Power boost

01 = slow
02 = medium
03 = fast
(default = 01)

01 = 1 door
02 = 2 doors
(default = 01)

45-80 degrees

(default = 70)

01-32 seconds

(default = 05)

00-23 degrees

(default = 13)

off, on

(default = off)

5 seconds
(default = off)

Not functional on
Middle Swing
control box

SA = fail safe
SE = fail secure
(default = off)

When on, increases closing force of door
from 9 lbs to 18 lbs to close door against
high winds or stack pressure; turns on
for 5 seconds or continuously after door
reaches latch position during closing cycle;
disabled by Power Boost disable input

When set to On or Fd, pushing door
open 5 degrees causes operator to open
door remainder of way and hold open.
Hold open time is same as hd setting
when set to On. Hold open time is 1
second when set to Fd.

When on, door stays open until a
second activate signal is received

Alternate Activate

Safety Slow/Stop

Determines response to a DMSS on the
safety side of the door; if SL (slow),
door goes to back check speed; if SP
(stop), door stops for 5 seconds, then
continues opening at back check speed

off, on, fd

(default = off)

off, on

(default = off)

slow, stop

(default = slow)

Push ‘N’ Go

Slowdown disable

Used when DMSS detects nearby wall or
guard rail while opening. Set to highest
approximate angle that normal door
operation will allow. When enabled,
slowdown ignored at all angles greater
than value displayed.

off , 30-85

(increments of 5)


