Crown Audio IQ-SLM8 User Manual

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IQ–SLM-8 System and Load Monitoring IQ System Component

Reference Manual


1.1 The

IQ–SLM-8 ............................................... 7

2.1 The Front Facilities ........................................ 8
2.2 The Rear Facilities ......................................... 9
4.1 IQ Address Switch Location ........................ 12
4.2 IQ Address Switch Values ........................... 12
4.3 Mounting Dimensions ................................. 12

SLM-8 Crown Bus Wiring ............................ 13

4.5 Generator Wiring ......................................... 13
4.6 Audio Input/Output Wiring ........................... 13
4.7 A Screw-Terminal Plug ................................ 15
4.8 Crown Bus Wiring for Removable

Barrier Blocks ............................................. 15

4.9 Crown Bus Wiring for 5-pin DIN Input .......... 15
4.10 Crown Bus Wiring for RJ-45 Input ................ 15
4.11 Crown Bus Wiring for 4-pin DIN Output ....... 16
4.12 Crown Bus Wiring for RJ-45 Output ............. 16
4.13 Crown Bus Wiring “Loops” from

Output to Input ............................................ 16

4.14 Monitor Loudspeaker Wiring ....................... 16
4.15 The Internal AUX Circuit .............................. 17
4.16 A Sample AUX Output Circuit ...................... 17

SLM-8 Circuit Block Diagram ...................... 19

7.1 IQ Address Switch Settings

from 0 to 125 ............................................... 22

7.2 IQ Address Switch Settings

from 126 to 250 ........................................... 23


Quick Install Procedure .............................. 4

1 Welcome ...................................................... 7

1.1 Unpacking ............................................ 7

2 Facilities ...................................................... 8

3 Features ..................................................... 10

3.1 Signal Generator ................................. 10
3.2 Load/Output Monitoring ...................... 10
3.3 Fused Loudspeaker Monitor ............... 11
3.4 Stand-alone Operation ........................ 11
3.5 Local Memory ..................................... 11
3.6 Synchronous Operation ...................... 11
3.7 Data Indicator ..................................... 11
3.8 Power Indicator ................................... 11
3.9 AUX Port ............................................. 11
3.10 “No-Fault” Warranty ............................ 11

4 Installation ................................................. 12

4.1 Prepare the

SLM-8 .............................. 12

4.2 Mounting ............................................. 12
4.3 Install the Wiring .................................. 13
4.4 Prepare the Audio System ................... 14
4.5 Configure the

SLM-8 ........................... 14

4.6 A Closer Look at Crown Bus Wiring ..... 14
4.7 Using an Audio Monitor ....................... 16
4.8 Using the AUX Connector ................... 17

4.8.1 Triggering a Test

(AUX Input) .............................. 17

4.8.2 Signaling a Failed Test

(AUX Output) ............................ 17

4.8.3 Controlling External Devices

(AUX Output) ............................ 17

4.9 EMI Suppression ................................. 18
4.10 Synchronous Setup ............................ 18

5 Technical Information ............................... 20

5.1 Load Monitor Data Acquisition ............ 20
5.2 Signal Generator ................................. 20
5.3 Loudspeaker Monitor .......................... 20
5.4 Crown Bus I/O ..................................... 20
5.5 Microprocessor and Memory .............. 20
5.6 Power Supplies ................................... 20

6 Specifications ............................................ 21

7 IQ Address Tables ..................................... 22

8 Service ....................................................... 24

8.1 Worldwide Service .............................. 24
8.2 North American Service ...................... 24

8.2.1 Factory Service ......................... 24