KIA Magentis 2006 User Manual

Page 141

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Drinking and driving is dangerous. Drunk
driving is the number one contributor to
the highway death toll each year. Alcohol
impairs a driver’s judgment, vision and
muscular coordination. Even a small
amount of alcohol will affect a driver’s
reflexes, perceptions and judgment.
Please don’t drink and drive, or ride with
a driver who has been drinking. Choose
a designated driver if you’re with a
group, or if you’re alone, call a cab.


Driving while under the influence of
drugs is as dangerous or more dangerous
than driving under the influence of
alcohol, depending on the drug(s) used
and the quantity consumed. Don’t take
drugs and drive.

If you are taking a prescription medicine,
check with your doctor or pharmacist
regarding whether you may operate a
motor vehicle.


Your vehicle’s fuel economy is mainly
dependent on your style of driving, how
you drive, where you drive and when
you drive.
Each of these factors has an effect on
how many miles (kilometers) you can get
from a gallon (liter) of fuel. To operate
your vehicle as economically as possible,
use the following driving suggestions to
help save money in both fuel and repairs:

Avoid lengthy warm-up idling. Once
the engine is running smoothly, begin
driving. Remember, though, that on
cold days, engine warm-up may take
a little longer.

Save fuel by accelerating slowly after

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