Rainbow Electronics AT77SM0101BCB02VKE User Manual
Fingerchip, Biometric module, Features

Module Size: 55 x 72 mm (Smaller than Smart Card)
Microcontroller: Atmel ARM9
-based AT91RM9200
SDRAM: 128 Mbits
Flash: Atmel DataFlash
32 Mbits
Fingerprint Sensor: Atmel FingerChip
Operating Temperature Range: -30
° C to +65° C
Operating Voltage: 3.3V ±10%
Power Consumption: 200 mA in Typical Conditions
Operating System: Linux
(Kernel 2.4.19)
Available interfaces on Extension Connector:
– Drivers Provided for SPI, Ethernet, Serial DBGU
– Drivers not Provided for USB Host and Device, TWI, RS-485, IrDA,
SmartCard, MMC/SD Card, SSC, RTC, JTAG…
Software Suite with Embedded Pre-loaded Bio-engine
This document describes the specifications of Atmel's AT77SM0101BCB02VKE Fin-
gerChip biometric module. Based on Atmel's FingerChip fingerprint sensor, ARM9
microcontroller and flash memory, the AT77SM0101BCB02VKE provides the main
biometric functions such as user enrollment, authentication and identification in a
packaged module, making it easy to integrate into a final system.
The AT77SM0101BCB02VKE is particularly well-suited to Physical Access Control,
Point of Sale devices, Time and Attendance or Vending Machines.
The AT77SM0101BCB02VKE provides great flexibility because of its memory capac-
ity and powerful microcontroller loaded with the Linux operating system, and features
many possible interfaces, including Ethernet. The AT77SM0101BCB02VKE biometric
m o d u l e r e q u i r e s t h e p u r c h a s e o f t h e E v a l u a t i o n / D e v e l o p m e n t K i t
AT77SM0101BCB02VEK to develop the user interface of the final application.
Physical Access Control
Time and Attendance Systems
Automated Teller Machines, Points of Sale
Vending Machines
Smart Homes
Locks, Safes
Reference Design for ARM9 and FingerChip Design Development
Figure 1. FingerChip Biometric Module AT77SM0101BCB02VKE