Rainbow Electronics DS1615 User Manual

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The DS1615 is an integrated temperature recorder that combines a real time clock with temperature data
logging and histogram capabilities. It has been designed for applications that require temperature
profiling over a given period of time. A programmable sampling rate feature makes the device ideal for
applications requiring temperature monitoring over short or long time frames. The integrated Real Time
Clock (RTC) provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information with leap year
compensation and also provides an alarm interrupt. Temperature measurement is provided via integrated
thermal technology which can measure temperatures from -40

°C to +85°C in 0.5°C increments.

The DS1615 is a powerful data recording device, providing both a datalog of sampled temperature values
over time and a histogram of temperature. The datalog function samples the temperature at a user defined
sample rate and writes the data to the Temperature Datalog memory. Up to 2048 datalog samples may be
recorded. Histogram functionality is implemented by sampling the temperature and then incrementing
the count value in a data bin associated with that temperature. The DS1615 provides 63, 2-byte data bins
in 2

°C increments. The user can program data sampling for both data logging and for histogram

tabulation at intervals ranging from once per minute to once every 255 minutes.

The DS1615 also supports programmable high and low temperature alarm trip points that allow the
device to monitor whether the temperature stays within desired limits. The device can drive an interrupt
or status pin if the temperature falls outside of the programmable limits. The DS1615 can be
programmed to begin sampling data via a pushbutton input or via a command sent over the serial
interface with a host machine.

The DS1615 also provides a 64-bit serial number, which is useful for product identification and tracking.


The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationship between the major control and memory sections of
the DS1615. The device has five major data components: 1) Real Time Clock and control block,
2) 32-byte User NV RAM with 64-bit lasered serial number, 3) 96 bytes of Alarm event/duration
memory, 4) 128 bytes of histogram RAM, and 5) 2048 bytes of datalog memory. All memory is arranged
in a single linear address space.