At83c21gc – Rainbow Electronics AT83C21GC User Manual
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The connection with the host processor is achieved via a serial asynchronous link; the rate can
be selected from a range from 1200 to 115,200 bps.
The software inside the GemCore chip handles a communication protocol with the host system
called the Gemplus Block Protocol (GBP).
A c o m p l e t e s e t o f d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e o n t h e G e m p l u s w e b s i t e :
A GBP Interface Library Kit can be provided, upon request. It consists of the source code of the
GBP communication layer between the host and GemCore. It is written in the C language. See
the Gemplus developers’ site at Enquiries can also be posted to
[email protected].
See also other documents in the category Rainbow Electronics Software:
- MAX14514 (14 pages)
- MAX16825 (15 pages)
- MAX16800 (9 pages)
- MAX6931 (14 pages)
- MAX6920 (10 pages)
- MAX6959 (19 pages)
- MAX15025 (16 pages)
- EVK2 (2 pages)
- MAX13256 (17 pages)
- MAX6964 (23 pages)
- MAX6948B (28 pages)
- MAX17117 (22 pages)
- MAX6934 (16 pages)
- MAX5048 (9 pages)
- MAX15054 (9 pages)
- AT6010LV (28 pages)
- AT83C24NDS (42 pages)
- AT42QT1012 (6 pages)
- ATF16LV8C (11 pages)
- ATA6823 (28 pages)
- 71M6542G (165 pages)
- ATV2500BQL (21 pages)
- ATV750BL (19 pages)
- ATA6839 (17 pages)
- BA6229 (3 pages)
- ATF16V8C (18 pages)
- ATMOS™ 1M60 (26 pages)
- ATF1504ASVL (29 pages)
- BA6955N (9 pages)
- ATF1500ABV (15 pages)
- BA6219BFP-Y (7 pages)
- AT77C102B (19 pages)
- AT90SCR050 (4 pages)
- BA6208F (2 pages)
- ATA6625 (22 pages)
- ATA6664 (20 pages)
- ATF1516ASL (13 pages)
- ATF20V8BQL (18 pages)
- ATA6827 (15 pages)
- AT83C26 (77 pages)
- AT77C104B (36 pages)
- ATA6830 (23 pages)
- AT42QT1040 (18 pages)
- ATA6824 (22 pages)