Precision abrasive waterjet accessories, Software interface, Pol software capabilities include – OMAX Precision Optical Locator User Manual

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Precision Abrasive Waterjet Accessories

OMAX Corporation
21409 72nd Ave South, Kent, WA 98032








About OMAX

OMAX has the industry leading patented

abrasivejet controller with a built-in

expert system. Our exclusive “Compute

First-Move Later” motion control system

automates most programming and tool

setup work, virtually eliminating the need

for extensive operator training. Plus,

with free OMAX Intelli-MAX



upgrades for the life of the machine and

our ongoing commitment to advance the

efficiency of our technology and soft-

ware, OMAX saves you time and money.

For information on what other OMAX

products and accessories can do for you,

call us today at 800-838-0343 or visit

our website at

C o r p o r a t i o n


Motorized Z-Axis or Tilt-A-Jet

Remove accessory from Z-Axis
during cutting operations

Contact an OMAX Sales

Representative for more details

Software Interface

(Above) From the POL’s Locate

Part window, select a method

tab to determine the location of

a part, such as “Find Center.”

(Right) From the OMAX

Camera window, use the

application’s precision cross-

hairs to locate specific part

features, such as a center of a

circle, an edge, or corner.

POL software capabilities include

Locating a part’s feature from two reference holes

Locating a part’s feature from a hole and an edge

Locating a part’s feature from a corner and an edge

Finding the exact center of a circle

An instructional wizard for rotating part tool paths to align with existing material

Digital zoom and full screen views

Interaction with the Intelli-MAX Software Suite

Measurement tools

Reverse engineering tools

Contact an OMAX Sales Representative for more details

NOTE: All specifications subject to change without notice