Introduction, Overview, Chapter 1 – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9931-EMDE 3G_HD_SD-SDI Embedder_De-Embedder User Manual
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9931-EMDE-OM (V1.15)
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
This manual provides installation and operating instructions for the
9931-EMDE 3G/HD/SD-SDI Embedder/De-Embedder card (also referred to
herein as the 9931-EMDE).
This manual is also applicable for reduced functionality versions:
• 9931-DE (De-embed only)
• 9931-EM (Embed only)
In all other facets, the three cards function identically. (The 9931-DE and
9931-EM can be field-upgraded to full 9931-EMDE functionality using a soft-
ware upgrade which is performed without removing the card from its frame.)
This manual consists of the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introduction” – Provides information about this manual
and what is covered. Also provides general information regarding the
Chapter 2, “Installation and Setup” – Provides instructions for
installing the 9931-EMDE in a frame, and optionally installing
9931-EMDE Rear Modules.
Chapter 3, “Operating Instructions” – Provides overviews of
operating controls and instructions for using the 9931-EMDE.
This chapter contains the following information:
9931-EMDE Card Software Versions and this Manual (p. 1-2)
9931-EMDE Base Model and Options (p. 1-5)
9931-EMDE Functional Description (p. 1-6)
Technical Specifications (p. 1-26)
Warranty and Service Information (p. 1-31)